Porhibited And Restricted Items

UPS International (Australia)

Additional Import Documentation
To enable clearance for CITES shipments, please ensure CITES Certificate is forwarded by Express service.
Goods under IATA Special Provisions A67 require a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.

It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.

Packing list is not mandatory required.
Additional Export Documentation
No Information found on this topic for the selected country or territory.
Additional Clearance Information
The Australian Customs Service randomly holds 5 percent of all formal entry shipments for a documentary and physical examination of the goods. This process can cause delays of 24 to 72 hours.
The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service screens all goods that are imported into Australia. The shipping documents for all regulated or non-compliant shipments are inspected. Incomplete invoices as well as goods requiring an import permit and inspection are charged an inspection fee. Using the following words to describe a shipment will incur Quarantine inspections and fees: wood, sample, gift, present, sporting goods, used goods, food, and nutritional supplements. Quarantine inspections delay Customs clearance.

Note: All used items are Quarantine inspected.

Australian Customs will request for Evidence of Money Price Paid (EMPP) if the total weight or number of packages relative to the value declared seems unrealistic. (for example: A shipment with 5 packages of Printed Advertising material that weighs 100 kg and costs $50.00 AUD. If the Advertising material is provided free of charge, the import paperwork must declare the fair market value or actual cost of the goods in the country or territory of export.)

Failure to comply will cause delays.

The air waybill (AWB) must include the consignee name, telephone number and physical address. Do not include the name and address of the Customs broker.
Credit card payments are accepted upon delivery for freight and import charges by this destination. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the destination country or territory to determine which credit cards are accepted.

Restrictions may apply for freight collect shipments from the origin country or territory. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the origin country or territory prior to shipping.

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Areas Served
Service is provided to and from certain cities.

Service agents are used in areas of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.

Norfolk Island is a territory of Australia. For Rates/TNT use AU Country or Territory, Postal code 2899 and City Norfolk Island

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Saturday, Sunday, and official holidays.
Spring +1000/ Fall +0900
Australian Dollar(AUD), Romanian New Lei(RON), US Dollar(USD)
Billing Options
  • Shipping charges can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing the receiver, either the shipper or receiver's account number is required.
  • When billing to a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • Duties and taxes can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • If the duties and taxes are billed to an account outside of the destination country or territory, a "Duty and Tax Forwarding" surcharge will be applied.
  • Please note the following third party billing exceptions:
    • Shipments to and from the same country or territory (domestic shipments) cannot be billed to third party payors in other countries or territories. For example, shipments from Mexico to Mexico or Canada to Canada cannot be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. This rule does not apply to UPS domestic services in European Union countries or territories. For example, shipments from Germany to Germany can be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. (as long as the payor is a business and has a VAT or Tax/EIN ID on file with UPS).
  • When paying by credit card, check, or cash, only the shipper can be billed the shipping charges
Commodity Specific Stipulations

There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Australia. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.

If these skins are covered by the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, they will be seized by Customs, unless a valid Export Permit and Import Permit is in place at time of importation and presented to Customs at such time.
All clothing must contain labels. The labels must state the material composition and country or territory of origin. This label must be sewn into the garment, where the customer can see the markings, if the garments are packaged. If the packaging is not transparent, the markings must also be on the packaging.
Green coffee beans require Import Permit from Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service.
Subject to censorship for objectionable material.
Shipments of cosmetic products more than 250mg/kg of lead, require approval from the Ministry for Justice and Customs. This does not apply to those designed for use in hair treatments.
Requires an import permit from Dept of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Subject to censorship for objectionable material.
Restrictions will depend on the product itself. All goods containing meat, dairy, fish, bee product, etc., will require permits to import. Quarantine charges apply for food importation. Restrictions in relation to commerce marking also apply. Must have manufacturer, distributor, importer, quantity, ingredients, and country or territory of manufacture on the packaging.

Any shipments that arrive in old fruit boxes will be repacked. The boxes are then destroyed. Clearance delays will occur.

Any food will be quarantine inspected and the charges billed to the consignee. Suspicion of foods will be fumigated by Australian Quarantine Authorities.

The minimum quarantine fee is 36 AUD.

Increased quarantine measures are being applied for products produced in Taiwan as a result of the confirmed outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease.

Import Permits and applications for products with more than 10% of dairy content; semen, embryos and other biological products of susceptible species are to be assessed and appropriate measures or suspension in line with new requirements as a result of the outbreak will be imposed. All affected business will be informed of changes affecting their Import Permits.

Further, import for the following products will be assessed on a case by case basis depending on manufacturing processing and other treatment being sufficient to manage the risk of Foot and Mouth Disease:

  • Used farming equipment
  • Saddlery, harnesses & tacks
  • Scoured wool, animal hair and leather products
  • Processed canned and dried pet food
  • Biological Products from non-susceptible species
  • Processed meat of dairy products (for example, chocolate and confectionary, highly processed cheese; shelf stable hermetically sealed/retorted meat and dairy products)
For further information, please visit the following website: http://www.daff.gov.au
Jewelery Shipments with a value less than $1000.00 AUD require Evidence of Price Paid or Sale. This can be in the form of Bank Statements showing proof of payment for the goods, or Credit Card statements or other Receipts showing the actual monetary transaction for the goods.
The importation of medicines into Australia is regulated under the "Therapeutic Goods Act". If the medicines are not registered with the "Therapeutic Administration" then they are not permitted entry into Australia. Permits to import are required for certain goods such as steroids.

Personal imports of prescription medicines can be imported if the importer is a person, the supply is for less than 3 months and they have a prescription from an Australian doctor.

A full listing of ingredients is required on the invoice. Customs and Quarantine will hold all shipments until ingredients can be verified. Shipments containing ingredients that cannot be verified or are prohibited, will be seized by Customs. Quarantine inspection charges will apply.


The list of prohibited ingredients can be found in the Australian Government - Department of Health website


Refer to Department of Health - Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website for more information on importing personal shipments to Australia

Packing Materials
Straw is strictly prohibited (non-compliance will result in longer delays). All packages containing straw will be stopped and the straw will be removed. This will be done at the importer's expense and with delays ranging from 48 hours to 2 weeks. The cost for this and the delay time will be based on the size of the package.
Require import permit from Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
The invoice must state the material composition of the sample. Samples without clear description will be subject to quarantine inspection. All quarantine costs are charged to the importer, unless the shipment is Free Domicile, which will result in charges to the shipper. There is a typical minimum 1 day delay.
Under Trade Marking requirements shoes must be individually marked in a permanent manner with the country or territory of origin and their content material(s).
All software shipments must include the value of the CD-Rom/diskette and the intellectual property/programming. If the goods are blank CD-roms or disks, then the description on the invoice must mention the fact. Software shipments without the intellectual property/programming value which should be determined by the shipper, may be subject to further Customs checks, resulting in delays.
Ceramic tableware may be taken for lead cadnium testing.
Portable telephones require an Import Permit.
Textiles must be labeled with composition of fabric and country or territory of origin.
The manufacturer must issue a certificate certifying that the tire is free from mosquitoes and/or their larvae.

  • Tobacco products now require written permission to be shipped.must have a valid import permit before goods arrive in AU.
  • If the goods arrive in AU and you dont have a Valid Import Permit you cant apply for one after the goods arrived they will get seized you cant return them and cant transship them.
Gift Exemptions
0.00 Australian Dollar AUD
no gift exemption
no gift exemption

There is no gift exemption in Australia however with the exception of alcohol, tobacco and prohibited items, when the Free on Board (FOB) value of the shipment is less than the 1,000.00 AUD, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

Invoice Requirements
Non-document shipments to Australia must include 1 original and 2 copies of an invoice.

The invoice should include:

  • A clear and accurate description of the goods (new or used) needs to be described for clearance purposes (for example: New Machine parts or New Golf Clubs or Used Golf Clubs.)
  • Material composition of the item
  • Currency (for example, USD)
  • Currency amount
  • Itemized value for each item, including a unit value and a total value for each item
  • Incoterms (for example, FOB, CIF, or DDP)
  • Country or Territory of origin

    For items of no commercial value, a value must be stated on all non-document shipments.

    The consignee's telephone number must appear on the invoice.

  • UPS Paperless Invoice is available for small package exports from this country or territory.

    UPS Paperless Invoice is accepted by Customs for small package imports into this country or territory.

    Items Classified as Documents

    The destination country or territory considers the following items as document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet the criteria to be considered a document shipment.

    Must be business related.
    Must contain data
    Must contain data
    In order to ship Intercompany Data on Diskette/CD ROM as a document shipment, the following guidelines must be met:

    1. The content must not be sold commercially or have commercial value.
    2. The data can not be software.
    3. Specifically write "Intercompany Data on Diskette/CD ROM" in the description of the goods field of the waybill.
    4. Mark an "x" in the documents only box on the waybill.

    UPS can recommend which forms you need based on a few simple criteria. Forms can be completed online or printed. See which forms you need.
    Prohibited or Restricted Commodities

    In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Australia.

    Import of Alcoholic beverages into Australia is permitted via ISC contract service.

    UPS only delivers to New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.

    UPS cannot deliver to Queensland and Northern Territories due to certain communities local alcohol regulations.

    Importation of Alcohol products to Australia does not include the de-minims value rule, All Alcohol products are subject to high rates of duties rates (excise and WET tax) and GST upon importation at Australian Border regardless of the importation value declared.

    UPS require the alcoholic percentages of the products to be declared on the commercial invoice with Consignor / Consignee sale transaction.

    Due to a growing number of asbestos products and/or products containing asbestos being imported illegally, the Australian Government has now increased border targeting of these products in an effort to reduce instances of these prohibited imports.

    The Australian Border Force (ABF) is targeting specific import tariff classification codes linked to potential asbestos products and/or products containing asbestos.

    The tariff classification areas include but are not limited to the following:

    • Mineral and chemical products
    • Plastic and rubber products
    • Ceramic and glass products
    • Metal products
    • Machinery and electrical products and components, incl. automotive and similar products

    As a result of this heightened enforcement, importers should undertake due diligence with manufacturers and suppliers of any goods or products suspected of containing any level of asbestos. Where applicable, importers should also have a statement on the commercial invoice indicating "asbestos free materials".

    Further information including affected commodity types, classification codes and testing requirements may be obtained from the following links:



    For 4C Importation of asbestos, please refer to the following link: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/cir1956432/s4c.html

    An "Electromechanical Device" greater than one kilogram in weight that incorporates an electric motor, must not be brought, into Australian territory If it has originated, transited or transferred through, the Republic of Turkey.
    Electronic Cigarettes can only be shipped with an International Special Commodities (ISC) contract.

    Electronic Cigarettes can only be imported into Australia for personal consumption only-not for commercial purposes.

    A Commercial Invoice is required.

    For more information on personal consumption click on the following link: http://www.tga.gov.au/consumers/personal-importation-scheme.htm

    E-Cigarettes are comprised of an atomiser, battery and cartridge that may or may not contain a mixture of liquid nicotine and propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol. These forms of glycol are commonly used in pharmaceutical formulations and are not controlled.

    Liquid nicotine, is scheduled as a 'Schedule 7 Poison' under the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP). As such, it is considered a substance with a potential for causing harm which requires special precautions in manufacture, handling or use. Other substances listed in Schedule 7 include chlorine and arsenic. The listing of a poison in Schedule 7 does not usually justify an import prohibition.

    The Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) is responsible for the government policy on such issues and advised that all States and Territories have domestic controls on the sale of these products and they are prohibited for commercial purposes.

    E-cigarettes (and/or their components) are not prohibited imports under Customs law. However, they may be subject to control under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 if the packaging makes a claim about any form of therapeutic benefit.

    If E-Cigarettes are detected at the border appearing to make a therapeutic claim, the goods may be referred to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The TGA will advise whether further action is warranted, whether any claims made are classed as therapeutic, and whether seizure is appropriate under their Act.

    If no therapeutic claim is made, or the TGA determines that no action is warranted, the goods are released, as they are not controlled on importation.

    The onus is on the purchaser of goods from offshore websites to ensure that any goods they purchase are legal to import and possess under Commonwealth and State and Territory laws.

    Goods of this nature are not tobacco or tobacco products, and therefore are not subject to duty or GST if the Customs value is at or below the low value goods threshold of A$1,000.

    Shipments containing daggers, double edged, and sharp pointed stabbing instruments need an Import Permit to be obtained by the consignee. Any concealable knives are prohibited and will be seized by Customs.
    High intensity laser pointer shipments are prohibited. To import a laser pointer stronger than 1mW, the importer will have to obtain police authorization from the relevant state or territory police force prior to applying for an import permit.
    There is an embargo by all airlines used by UPS to fly into Sydney on all lithium batteries (including items that have lithium batteries within the commodity) being accepted to travel on small package service as Courier. This applies to all shipments, even if they are packed in accordance to groups 965, 966 or 967 (Lithium Ion Batteries).

    In addition, Emirates (which UPS uses for shipments to Melbourne) has an embargo on UN 3480 (group 965) being accepted to travel on small package service as Courier.

    Shipments of Lithium Metal Batteries are prohibited on Emirates Airlines flights which UPS uses to this destination country or territory.

    Alternative arrangements are in place, but expect transit delays if the normal planned flow of the package is via Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Time in Transit may be extended due to solution found.

    Personal Effects cannot be shipped between these countries or territories.
    Living plant material requirements depend on the plant species, country or territory of origin, and will require a valid Import Permit. Depending on the plant species relevant import and export CITES permits may be required.

    Accompanying documentation (for example, packing list, Phytosanitary certificates, CITES certificates, invoices etc) and labels on the consignments must correspond and the documentation should clearly identifiy the plants by their botanical names.

    All plant material must be free from soil, disease symptoms and other extraneous contamination of quarantine concern.

    Any form of toy gun or gun replica is prohibited.
    The Department of Commerce requires that the watch, the watch housing and the watch's movement be individually labeled with the country or territory of origin if they are not all made in the same country or territory. If each item is made in the same country or territory only the case needs to be marked with the country or territory of origin.
    Saturday Delivery Available

    Saturday Delivery Available: Yes

    Not available in all areas. Always check the international time in transit system for details of service availability within a country or territory.

    Saturday Delivery for an additional charge

    Service Options

    Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.

    • UPS Worldwide Expedited
    • UPS Worldwide Express
    • UPS Worldwide Express Plus
    • UPS Worldwide Express Saver
    • UPS WorldWide Express Freight
    Special Clearance Requirements
    Embassy or diplomatic shipments require a B615 Consular and Diplomatic Clearance Form. Typical delay is 1 day.
    Personal Military Effects

    Personal effects such as private military souvenirs (including trench art), firearms, weapons, ballistic vests or dangerous items not owned by the military are subject to normal Customs and Border Protection control requirements. These goods must be manifested and declared to Customs. Items may require a permit, police authorization and safety testing before importation/exportation.

    Military Issue Weaponry

    Permits are not required to be submitted for military owned weapons that are imported or exported as part of an official military deployment. This includes where military personnel are travelling to or returning from overseas with their personal service weapons. These items should be listed on the manifest.

    UPS Carried Unaccompanied Military Personal Effects

    Normal duty and taxes apply to alcohol, tobacco and motor vehicles.

    Military personnel and their family arriving in Australia for an official posting may bring in their own unaccompanied effects duty and GST free provided they have owned them for 12 months.

    Full technical details can be found on www.customs.gov.au ByLaw 9940005 (Item 8)


    At export, the invoice should indicate the following:

  • A clear and detailed description of the goods
  • Serial Number
  • Model Number
  • Clear indication that it is a Repair and Return shipment
  • Country or Territory of origin of goods
  • Value of goods

    Upon completion of repair works, at re-import, the invoice should indicate:

  • A clear and detailed description of the goods
  • Serial Number
  • Model Number
  • Clear indication that it is a repair and return shipment
  • Country or Territory of origin of goods
  • Value of goods
  • Statement stating whether goods are or are not under warranty
  • Warranty certificate or letter (if under warranty)
  • Repair charges (if not under warranty)

    If the shipment is under warranty, repair charges should be indicated on invoice. Duty and tax will be exempted.

    If the shipment is not under warranty, duty will be applied to the total cost of the repair and 10% GST will be applied to the total cost of the repair and freight charges.

  • If the repaired goods are used, then Quarantine Inspection is required and inspection fees may apply. The words "Repaired Goods" and the country or territory of origin must be on the invoice. Duties and taxes apply on the value of the repair.
    If the returned goods are used, then Quarantine Inspection is required and inspection fees may apply. The words "Returned Goods" and the country or territory of origin must be on the invoice.
    New requirements have been implemented for both small package and WWEF shipments and are based on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, which is entitled "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade". ISPM 15 was adopted internationally in 2002, and is gradually being introduced by countries or territories worldwide. Wood or wood products covered by ISPM 15 include items such as packing cases, boxes, crates, drums or similar packing, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars and skids, but exclude such processed woods as orientated strand board, particle board, plywood or veneer, created using glue, heat and pressure or a combinations thereof, and, raw wood which is 6mm or less thick. It is recommended that if a question arises on this issue, please check with the authority that issues the Phytosanitary certificates in your country or territory.
    Value Limits

    Private Shipments

  • 1000.00 Australian Dollar (AUD)
    • With the exception of alcohol, tobacco and prohibited items, when the Free on Board (FOB) value of the shipment is less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

    Commercial Shipments

  • 1000.00 Australian Dollar (AUD)
    • With the exception of alcohol, tobacco and prohibited items, when the Free on Board (FOB) value of the shipment is less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

    Weight and Size Limits
    70 kg (150 lbs.) per package
    274.00 cm (107.9 in.)  per package
    419.10 cm (165.0 in.)  per package
    Length and girth combined

    Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.




























