Porhibited And Restricted Items

UPS International (Ukraine)

Additional Import Documentation
Shipments addressed to companies which have to be cleared as formal entries will require an Import Customs Declaration to be prepared by the consignee, an alternate broker or UPS on behalf of the consignee. For every formal entry the consignee has to provide original documents to the customs house:
  • Customs accreditation card - The companies accreditation card is issued by the customs authorities. A copy of the accreditation card with an original company stamp must be provided for each customs declaration.
  • Tax Committee currency control document - The Tax Committee currency control document is issued by the tax authorities each quarter. It states the activities of a company in foreign trade. A copy of this document with an original company stamp must be provided for each customs declaration.
  • Contract between the shipper and consignee - The formal contract covers the most important issues of the agreement between shipper and consignee like a description of the commodities, the values of the products and terms of delivery. A copy of this document with an original company stamp must be provided for each customs declaration.
  • Invoice translation - If no invoice in Ukranian or Russian language is accompanied with the shipment, the company must provide a translated invoice confirmed with an original company stamp.
  • Original payment order confirming duties and taxes have been transferred to Customs account - The original payment order is an electronic receipt of the customs office after receiving duties and taxes. The money transfer takes at least one day.

For special commodities additional permissions, certificates or approvals may required by the customs authorities. This may delay the customs clearance shipment for several days.

Goods under IATA Special Provisions A67 require a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.

It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.

Additional Export Documentation
No Information found on this topic for the selected country or territory.
Additional Clearance Information
In order to avoid clearance delays by Customs, import shipments to Ukraine should be accompanied by an Export Declaration stamped by Export Customs. The Export Declaration should give the CIP value of the shipment.

Please note, due to the adoption of a new version of the Customs Code from June 1, 2012, all non-cleared non-document shipments under customs control or not received by consignee will be automatically returned 30 days after arrival without informing the sender or receiver.

All non document shipments require formal customs clearance.
Door-to-door delivery is availabe for all areas served in Ukraine except for the following Cities/Postal Codes where UPS Ukraine asks the consignee to pick up shipments at nearest center in area (this also applies to other shipments sent to unserved areas):

KRASNOGOROVKA 85630-85634 LUTUGINO 92000-92005 LISICHANSK 93100--93190 BRYANKA 94100-94190
OLENOVKA 85710-85710 TROITSKOYE 92100-92102 PERVOMAISK 93200-93279 ALCHEVSK 94200-94299
YASINOVATA 86000-86015 BYELOKURAKINO 92200-92207 POPASNAYA 93300-93309 PEREVALSK 94300-94308
KARLOVKA 86053-86053 NOVOPSKOV 92300-92309 SEVERODONETSK 93400-93480 KRASNODON 94400-94414
AVDEEVKA 86060-86075 MELOVOYE 92500-92504 NOVOAIDAR 93500-93505 KRASNIY LUCH 94500-94529
SPARTAK 86080-86080 SVATOVO 92600-92605 STANICHNO-LUGANSKOYE 93600-93609 ANTRATSIT 94600-94619
MAKEEVKA 86100-86180 STAROBELSK 92700-92709 SLAVYANOSERBSK 93700-93704 ROVENKI 94700-94779
KHARTSYZK 86700-86780 BELOVODSK 92800-92805 KIROVSK 93800-93889 SVERDLOVSK 94800-94819
ZUGRES 86783-86789 KREMENNAYA 92900-92905 STAKHANOV 94000-94090  
Please note that not only the value(s) of the commodity/commodities have to be considered when calculating duty and tax, but also the freight charge and other fees.
Commodities originated from the Russian Federation

According to a decree released by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine certain commodities like e.g.

agricultural products; Meat; fish; dairy products; coffee; tea; products of the milling industry; sugars and sugar confectionery; cocoa and cocoa preparations; preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastry cooks products; beverages, spirits & vinegar; miscellaneous chemical products; plastics and articles thereof - are prohibited to be imported into Ukraine in case these products originated from the Russian Federation and until further notice. A detailed list of goods prohibited for import can be found at:


Credit card payments are accepted upon delivery for freight and import charges by this destination. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the destination country or territory to determine which credit cards are accepted.

Restrictions may apply for freight collect shipments from the origin country or territory. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the origin country or territory prior to shipping.

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Shipments destined to private individuals but shipped to a company address should not show the company name on the invoice and the waybill. For detailed information, please see section 'Invoice Requirements'.

During the period between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020, international express parcels having a total invoiced value of up to 100.00 EUR or the equivalent amount in another currency and delivered for one individual consignee in one shipment of an express shipper from one consignor of an international express parcel, may be imported to Ukraine without payment of value added tax and customs duty.

Total Invoiced Price-Customs Duty-VAT-Customs Clearance Form

100 EUR-not charged-20%--16

150 EUR-10%-20%--16

10000 EUR

per UKTVED*-20%--2

UKTVED* - the Ukrainian classifier of foreign trade goods

No restrictions are applied to the number of international express parcels for one consignee.

If the consignee is a private individual , their individual Tax Number (ITN).

On manual waybills and ones generated by UPS online tools, the tax number can be written.

Receivers VAT No/Identification No For Customs Purposes.

Areas Served
Service is provided to and from certain cities.

The Cities of Cherkassy, Poltava and Vinnitsa have a weight limit of 30 kgs per package - all other destinations have a limit of 70 kgs.

Service to Crimea (postal codes 95000-99999) is suspended due to economic sanctions.

Service to the postcodes listed below has been closed:

Donetsk Region-83000-87499 and 87591-87999

Lugansk Region-91000-94999

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Shipments destined to private individuals but shipped to a company address should not show the company name on the invoice and the waybill. For detailed information, please see section 'Invoice Requirements'.

Saturday, Sunday, and official holidays.
Spring +0300/ Fall +0200
Billing Options
  • Shipping charges can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing the receiver, either the shipper or receiver's account number is required.
  • When billing to a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
Duties and taxes can only be billed to the receiver.
  • Please note the following third party billing exceptions:
    • Shipments to and from the same country or territory (domestic shipments) cannot be billed to third party payors in other countries or territories. For example, shipments from Mexico to Mexico or Canada to Canada cannot be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. This rule does not apply to UPS domestic services in European Union countries or territories. For example, shipments from Germany to Germany can be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. (as long as the payor is a business and has a VAT or Tax/EIN ID on file with UPS).
  • When paying by credit card, check, or cash, only the shipper can be billed the shipping charges
Commodity Specific Stipulations

There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Ukraine. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.

Spare parts for cars sent to private individuals require certification from the Centre of Metrology.
Ceramic tiles shipped to a company require certification.
Products of the chemical industry must be proofed by the Radiological and Ecological Control Agencies. Cosmetics registered by this agency can be imported.
Shipments of coffee require certification by the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, and the approval of the Radiological and Ecological Control agencies, the Sanitary-Epidemic Control agency, and the State Quarantine Control Agency. It is the importers responsibility to get all the necessary approvals and certificates, however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge. Furthermore import shipments of coffee must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate provided by the shipper.
By Ukrainian Customs law, private individuals are not allowed to import more than 20 compact discs (CDs). Goods shipped to private individuals require a simplified declaration. Duty and VAT will apply.

CDs valued under 100.00 EUR that are shipped to companies do not require a customs entry, but the company must produce certain trading papers. An Import License is required and it must be obtained by the importer from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (costs about US$160.00). CDs valued at or above 100.00 EUR that are shipped to companies require a full customs declaration and an Import License that is obtained by the importer from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (costs about US$160.00). Compact Discs of no commercial value shipped to companies (for example, for inter-company use) do not require an Import License if accompanied by a proforma invoice. Compact discs accompanied by commercial invoices need an import licence.

Cosmetics have to be proofed by the Radiological and Ecological Control Agencies. Cosmetics registered by this agency can be imported.
Shipments of used diskettes may be inspected by Customs officials for content.
Data shipments to Ukraine require an invoice with the value of the CD-ROM or disk only.
Shipments containing leather require a Veterinary Certificate from the shipper and must be approved by both the Radiological and Ecological Control agencies. This applies to both, raw and processed leather. It is the importers responsibility to get the necessary approvals, however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.
Shipments of maps importing or exporting Ukraine require authorization from the Ministry of Transport.
Medicine shipments require permission from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.

Private individuals are not allowed to import medicine. In special cases they can import medicine on prescription of a doctor and with permission of the Ministry of Health.

Only mobile phones certified by the Ukraine authorities can be imported.

Private individuals must provide permissions of the Ukrainian Radio Frequency Committee (Ukrchastotnaglyad) and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to import a mobile phone. Only one mobile phone can be imported by private individuals.

Wood packing/articles require quarantine control.

Empty plastic bottles or with plastic cover require ecological control.

Packing for scientific and research purposes require Sanitary-Epidemic Control and certification.

Personal shipments can be imported duty and tax free under the following conditions:

  • The weight may not exceed 50 kgs
  • The total customs value (value of the goods + freight value)for all shipments to the same consignee per day, may not exceed 200 EUR
  • No commercial purpose allowed.
The import of power supplies, accumulators, batteries and all products containing these items requires a license from the Ministry of Economics (import of chemical power supplies-for example watches containing a battery need a license).
There are no other duty and tax exemptions in place for importing samples, other than for diminimis shipments. A detailed description is needed for the tariff classification of samples. The value of the samples must be calculated according to the sale price.
Shipments of blank and recorded audio, video and magnetic tapes for professional purposes are examined by a specialist Customs department. A customs fee of US$20.00 is charged for this service.

Shipments of audio, video and magnetic tape for private purposes may similarly be examined and a charge made.

Shipments of television equipment require a certificate of import from the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, and also permission from the Radiological, Ecological and Sanitary-Epidemic Control agencies. It is the importers responsibility to get the necessary certificate and permission, however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.
Data shipments require an invoice with the character of the USB stick (storing intercompany data) and the value of the USB Stick.
Video recorders imported by companies require a certificate of import from the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing. It is the importers responsibility to get the necessary certificate, however, UPS can obtain it on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.

Shipments for private individuals do not require a certificate of import.

Shipments of vitamins require approval from the Radiological Control Agency and the Sanitary-Epidemic Control Body. It is the importers responsibility to get the necessary approvals, however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.
Gift Exemptions
0.00 US Dollar USD
no gift exemption
no gift exemption

Due to no gift exemption, the customs clearance will be executed using the appropriate procedure.

Invoice Requirements
Non-document shipments to Ukraine must include 1 original and 2 copies of an invoice.

Invoices should contain the following information:

  • Shipper's name
  • Address
  • Consignee's name, address, telephone number and mobile phone number
  • Consignee's email address, if available
  • Description of goods
  • Country or Territory of origin of each commodity
  • Value of each item
  • Freight charges (must be shown separate on the invoice)
  • Total value of goods
  • Currency
  • Terms of delivery/Incoterms 2000 (for example, CIP, DDU, CPT)

    An original invoice, signed and stamped by the exporter, is mandatory. Shipments from private individuals are exempt from signing and stamping the invoice in cases when customs cost is less than 200 Euros or weight is less then 50 kg.

    Shipments for private individuals sent to company addresses must show the name of the private individual on the invoice and waybill only. If company names, hotel names or shop names shown on invoices or waybills the customs authorities classifies the shipments as commercial shipments. To clear these shipments, classified as commercial shipments, on behalf of the private importer ,confirmation about the real importer are needed from the shipper, the private person and the company indicated on the invoice or waybill.

    This may cause delays and additional costs.

    If the freight charges and the correct incoterm are not shown on the invoice, the freight charges of the official UPS pricelist without discounts has to be added to the invoice value for calculation of duty and VAT. This may increase the import fees.

    Without freight charges on the invoice, the importer has to confirm the customs value with additional documents.

    Shipments of documents do not require an invoice.

  • Items Classified as Documents

    According to the customs legislation documents are defined as follows:
    Items within International express shipments are considered documents if they are official papers and information kept on any data carrier (paper or electronic, including diskettes, compact discs, films etc.) which do not have any commercial value, are not accompanied by any invoice and do not contain any information forbidden by law for importation or subject to permissions by Ukrainian authorities.

    The destination country or territory considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet the criteria to be considered a document shipment.

    Validated airline tickets only.
    Only for shareholders or intercompany use.
    Blueprints of no commercial value for a bid invitation or for intercompany use only.
    Non-commercial brochures or brochures for intercompany use only.
    Document limit: 1-15 business cards
    Personalized checks only.
    If diploma made of paper sheet classified as documents and invoice not required.

    If diploma in frame and made of other materials it is classified as non document and invoice is required.

    Tickets for events like stage performances, football matches or concerts can be sent as documents up to a limit of 50 kgs. per shipment.

    Event tickets coming from a printing company and send to the organizer of the event or ticket sales offices can not be sent as documents.

    Must be personalized to be considered documents.
    Non-personalized greeting cards and invitations are considered non-documents and require an invoice.
    The number must be proportional to the purpose.
    Negatives, slides and printing films sent to press or publishing agencies are considered as documents.
    Shipments where the value includes press or editorial charges are non-documents and requires an invoice.
    Intercompany shipments for intercompany use with no commercial value are considered as documents.
    Shipments from a publisher or printing company are non-documents.
    Non-commercial purposes only.
    Personalized stationery with no commercial value only. The quantity must be proportional to the non-commercial use.
    Must be personalized to be considered documents.

    UPS can recommend which forms you need based on a few simple criteria. Forms can be completed online or printed. See which forms you need.
    Prohibited or Restricted Commodities

    In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Ukraine.

    Agricultural products are any animal or plant product classified within chapter one to 24 of the Harmonized Tariff Code.

    Agricultural products addressed to private individuals are prohibited. Shipments containing these items will be rejected by Ukrainian Customs and returned to the shipper.

    Agricultural products shipped to companies require certification by the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, and the approval of the Radiological and Ecological Control agencies, the Sanitary-Epidemic Control agency, and the State Quarantine Control Agency. It is the importers responsibility to get all the necessary approvals and certificates; however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.

    Furthermore, import shipments of food items must be accompanied by a health certificate provided by the shipper.

    The importation of alcoholic beverages are not allowed by private individuals because they are classified as food items which are generally banned from import by private individuals

    The importation of alcoholic beverages by companies cant be offered by UPS because the local customs house does not have the authorization to clear alcoholic beverages.

    Cows, goats, sheep, and pigs are considered domesticated animals. All other animals are considered non-domesticated animals. Items or products made from non-domesticated animals are restricted in the UPS system and only allowed with a UPS ISC contract. CITES permit and additional restrictions may apply, please check with your local ISC Coordinator

    A Health Certificate must accompany all animal products.

    For animal products the same controls apply like for Agricultural products.

    For some products the Health Certificate will ease getting necessary permissions in Ukraine:

  • For horn (not ivory) a veterinary control is mandatory beside the necessary approvals and certificates.
  • Articles made from horn and varnished feathers require a sanitary-epidemic control, a quarantine control and permission from the Ministry of Culture.
  • Signed credit cards are prohibited. Only blank credit cards can be imported.
    Electronic Cigarettes can only be shipped with an International Special Commodities (ISC) contract.

    A Conformity Certificate is required to import into Ukraine.

    Food items are processed agricultural products classified within chapter one to 24 of the Harmonized Tariff Code.

    Food items addressed to private individuals are prohibited. Shipments containing these items will be rejected by Ukrainian Customs and returned to the shipper.

    Food items shipped to companies require certification by the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, and the approval of the Radiological and Ecological Control agencies, the Sanitary-Epidemic Control agency, and the State Quarantine Control Agency.

    It is the importers responsibility to get all the necessary approvals and certificates; however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge. Furthermore, import shipments of food items must be accompanied by a health certificate provided by the shipper.

    Food items addressed to private individuals are prohibited.

    Food items shipped to companies require certification by the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, and the approval of the Radiological and Ecological Control agencies, the Sanitary-Epidemic Control agency, and the State Quarantine Control Agency. It is the importers responsibility to get all the necessary approvals and certificates; however, UPS can obtain them on behalf of the importer for an additional charge.

    Furthermore, import shipments of food items must be accompanied by a health certificate provided by the shipper.

    Jewelry containing precious stones or stones made of glass need a certificate of an expert from the responsible state center of Ukraine (Gemological Control Agency) stating the character of the stone. Delays and additional costs may apply.

    Rough diamonds cannot be cleared by UPS. The customs house responsible for UPS is not an approved customs house for clearing rough diamonds.

    Military cards are prohibited.
    Commodities originated from the Russian Federation.

    According to a decree released by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine certain commodities like e.g.

    agricultural products; Meat; fish; dairy products; coffee; tea; products of the milling industry; sugars and sugar confectionery; cocoa and cocoa preparations; preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastry cooks products; beverages, spirits & vinegar; miscellaneous chemical products; plastics and articles thereof are prohibited to be imported into Ukraine in case these products originated from the Russian Federation and until further notice. A detailed list of goods prohibited for import can be found at:


    The importation of money is prohibited. Any money found by Ukrainian Customs during inspection will be seized.
    Personal effects cannot be shipped between these countries or territories.
    Saturday Delivery Available

    Saturday Delivery Available: No

    Service Options

    Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.

    • UPS Worldwide Expedited
    • UPS Worldwide Express Plus
    • UPS Worldwide Express Saver
    Special Clearance Requirements
    There is no VOG (Value of Goods) service in Ukraine.
    The customs procedure of inward processing is a process where goods are imported temporarily without paying duty and VAT, mostly for repair purposes. This service is not available in Ukraine.

    Goods which are imported for repair purposes must be declared as a regular clearance for free circulation. Duty and VAT may apply.

    The customs procedure of outward processing is a process where goods are exported temporarily under customs control mostly to be repaired in a foreign country or territory. After repair they are meant to be re-imported under customs control. Duty and VAT only apply on the spare parts and labour costs or dont apply for repairs under guarantee. This service is not available in Ukraine.

    Goods which are re-imported after repair must be declared as a regular clearance for free circulation. Duty and VAT may apply.

    The customs procedure for returned goods is a process where goods exported within a limited stretch of time and which remained in the same state can be re-imported without paying duty and VAT if the export can be proofed. This service is only available if shipments are returned immediately with the same tracking number used for export.
    New requirements have been implemented for small package shipments and are based on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, which is entitled "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade". ISPM 15 was adopted internationally in 2002, and is gradually being introduced by countries or territories worldwide. Wood or wood products covered by ISPM 15 include items such as packing cases, boxes, crates, drums or similar packing, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars and skids, but exclude such processed woods as orientated strand board, particle board, plywood or veneer, created using glue, heat and pressure or a combinations thereof, and, raw wood which is 6mm or less thick. It is recommended that if a question arises on this issue, please check with the authority that issues the Phytosanitary certificates in your country or territory.
    The customs procedure of temporary importation is a process where goods are imported for exhibition purposes, testing purposes or presenting to potential customers are imported for a limited stretch of time and remain in the same state. The goods remain under customs control till the re-export. This service is not available. Goods which are intended for temporary importation must be declared as regular clearance for free circulation.

    Duty and VAT may apply.

    Value Limits

    Private Shipments

  • 150.00 European Monetary Unit (Euro) (EUR)
    • Shipments to private individuals may enter the country or territory duty and tax free in most cases, if the following conditions are met:

      • The total customs value (value of the goods + freight charges [CIP Value) for all shipments to the same consignee per day, may not exceed 100.00 EUR
      • No commercial purpose allowed
      The tax base for products is part of the total invoice value exceeding the equivalent of 100 EUR.

      For shipments valued between 100.00 EUR and 150.00 EUR, the receiver will only pay VAT (20% ) from the cost exceeding 100.00 EUR and no duty/taxes are applied.

      If the shipment is valued over 150.00 EUR, duty/taxes and VAT will be applied. Duty/Tax only from value more than 150 EUR.

    Commercial Shipments

  • 150.00 European Monetary Unit (Euro) (EUR)
    • Shipments to companies with a CIP value below 150.00 EUR are released by Customs without any payment of duty and tax.For example,a shipment with a value of 50.00 Euros and freight charges of 100.00 Euros has to be cleared as a formal entry. The tax base for such products is part of the total invoice value exceeding the equivalent of 150 Euros-receiver pays Duty/Tax only from value more than 150 EUR. Shipments requiring permissions for clearance [for example permission of Radiological and Ecological Control] have to be cleared as formal entry irrespictive of CIP value. Even if shipments can be cleared without Duty and VAT,most shipmets require additional documents before Customs release.Delays may occur. Required documents are- Customs Accreditation card, Tax Committee currency control document, Contract between shipper and consignee, Invoice translation. Shipments to companies with a CIP value above 100.00 EUR require formal Customs clearance. The following documents must be provided by the importer before clearance can be undertaken- Customs Accreditation card, Tax Committee currency control document, Contract between shipper and consignee, Invoice translation, Original payment order confirming duties and taxes have been transferred to Customs account, Any additional documents as required,such as licences,special approvals and certificates. For further information,please see section "Additional Import Documentation". Most imported shipments require a Certificate of import from the Ukrainian Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing.

    Weight and Size Limits
    70 kg (150 lbs.) per package
    274.00 cm (107.9 in.)  per package
    400.00 cm (157.5 in.)  per package
    Length and girth combined

    Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.




























