Porhibited And Restricted Items

UPS International (Israel)

Additional Import Documentation
Goods under IATA Special Provisions A67 require a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.

It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.

According to Israel Customs, a packing list is mandatory for multiple shipments only.

Whenever a shipment contains more than 1 package, there is a need to identify the items in each and every package.

If the Invoice contains this information there is no need for an additional packing list.

Additional Export Documentation
No Information found on this topic for the selected country or territory.
Additional Clearance Information
Shipments valued up to 1000.00 USD are normally released against a manifest procedure, using key entered data submitted to customs before the goods arrive. However, for shipments valued over US$100.00 or weight over 5 kgs, either the importers VAT number or Personal ID number must be keyed and appear on the Invoice as part of the shipment data at origin. If this is not done, UPS will have to contact the consignee, and this may result in a delay in the release of goods.

To avoid delays and additional costs in release, attach an original Certificate of Origin (for Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Turkey and Jordan) or an original invoice with an exporter declaration/EUR1 (for countries or territories of the European Economic Community) to each shipment. This certificate proves the origin of the goods and the consignee is not required to pay duty and tax on import.

In order to release shipments which are being sent to Israel from the United States without payment of duties and taxes, an "American export declaration" is required to be provided by the shipper on the invoice. This is relevant only to goods manufactured in the United States.

Please find below the following instructions for an "American export declaration":

1.The declaration needs to be on a supplier or the exporter stationary.

2.The document must include the supplier or the exporter logo and their details (address, vat number, etc.)

3.The title of the document must be "Invoice Declaration"

4.In the following lines under the title, the supplier or the exporter need to mention the invoice number, the date that the invoice was issued, the place that the invoice was issued and the date that the declaration was issued.

5.Shipper needs to choose one of the two options Export or Producer.

6.Following is the text of the statement to be provided for shipments which meet the origin's conditions:

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that unless otherwise indicated, the goods covered by this document fully comply with the rules of origin and the other provisions of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the Government of Israel and the Government of the United States of America.

The Exporter (whether the exporter is the producer or not) The Producer (is not the exporter)

Tax Identification: _____________________________ Name: _________________________________ Title: _________________________________ E-mail _________________________________ Signature: _________________________________

Please note there are goods that are exempt of duty and tax without certification. The most common are books, catalogues, digital cameras, lenses, most computer parts and software.

All postal codes serviced have door-to-door service. The consignee will be contacted and asked for alternative address or to pick up from a center only if a package to an area not serviced is received.
Please note that not only the value(s) of the commodity/commodities have to be considered when calculating duty and tax, but also the freight charge and other fees.
Credit card payments are accepted upon delivery for freight and import charges by this destination. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the destination country or territory to determine which credit cards are accepted.

Restrictions may apply for freight collect shipments from the origin country or territory. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the origin country or territory prior to shipping.

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Areas Served
Service is provided to and from certain cities.

This includes all shipments delivered into all areas of Yehuda, Shomron, Gush EtZion, and part of the Palestinian Authority area (West Bank).

Service to the Gaza Strip (part of the Palestinian Authority) area is currently restricted to documents only.

Service is provided to the West Bank, Golan Heights and the Southern Negev desert except for a few remote areas.

International time in transit system does not include postal codes for some cities in Israel. For details, use postal code 91000 for TNT and rates.

UPS cannot deliver to a P.O. Box address. All packages require a consignee's contact name and complete street address including apartment, suite or unit number if applicable. The consignee's telephone number should be provided if known.

Saturday, and official holidays.
Friday operations are half-day until 2:00 p.m. Special deliveries are made by request.
Spring +0300/ Fall +0200
New Israeli Sheqel(ILS)
Billing Options
  • Shipping charges can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing the receiver, either the shipper or receiver's account number is required.
  • When billing to a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • Duties and taxes can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • If the duties and taxes are billed to an account outside of the destination country or territory, a "Duty and Tax Forwarding" surcharge will be applied.
  • Please note the following third party billing exceptions:
    • Shipments to and from the same country or territory (domestic shipments) cannot be billed to third party payors in other countries or territories. For example, shipments from Mexico to Mexico or Canada to Canada cannot be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. This rule does not apply to UPS domestic services in European Union countries or territories. For example, shipments from Germany to Germany can be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. (as long as the payor is a business and has a VAT or Tax/EIN ID on file with UPS).
  • When paying by credit card, check, or cash, only the shipper can be billed the shipping charges
  • The freight and duties can be billed to the shipper or a third party
  • The taxes can be billed to the receiver or a third party
  • A surcharge will be applied for the SDV billing option
Commodity Specific Stipulations

There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Israel. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.

A shipment containing a clutch for a vehicle requires authorization from the Ministry of Transportation.
Shipments of balloons require authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade.
Shipments of beer require authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade. This authorization is not required if no more than 2 liters are being imported on a private basis.
Shipments of cable require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of cellular telephones require authorization from the Ministry of Communications. The model details/number and Manufacturers name must appear on the Invoice.
Shipments exceeding 5 kgs require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments exceeding 5 kgs require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of computer parts or lap top computers require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of controllers require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of cosmetics require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of dental instruments require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of DVDs require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of power supplies require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of food require authorization from the Ministry of Health. Food items for personal use are prohibited.
Shipments of furniture require approval from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of glasses, frames for glasses or sun glasses require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of global positioning systems (GPS) require authorization from the Ministry of Communications. The model details/number and Manufacturers name must appear on the Invoice.
Shipments of hearing aids and devices require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of heating elements require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of Intercompany Data on CD-Rom or disk require an invoice with the value of the data and the value of the CD-ROM or disk.
Shipments of locks require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Meat products require approval from the Ministry of Health.
Diagnostic Kits

The import of empty diagnostic kits requires authorisation from the Ministry of Health.

The authorization fee for yearly authorization from the Ministry of Health is 500 shekels 125 $ for each hospital that will be paid once a year.

Shipments of musical instruments require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of pagers require authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade.
Shipments of paint require a Dangerous Goods authorization.
Motor Vehicle Parts

Parts and accessories of motor vehicles classified under tariff code 8708 10 (bumpers and parts), 8708 20 (other parts and accessories), 8708 30 (brakes and servo-brakes and parts thereof), 8708 70 (road wheels and parts and accessories thereof), 8708 80 (suspension systems and parts thereof, including shock-absorbers) and 8708 94 (steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes; parts thereof) require a transport approval from the Israeli ministry of transportation.

The same applies for oil or petrol filters (HTC 8421 23) or other liquids used in motor vehicles (HTC 8421 29) and for fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines (HTC 8413 30).

Shipments of playstations require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of television remote controls require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of shoes require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
A license from the Ministry of Health is required.
Shipments of spices require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of taps, as found in sinks and washbasins, require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of telecommunication equipment, including mobile phones, require authorization from the Ministry of Communications. The model details/number and Manufacturers name must appear on the Invoice.
Shipments of telephone and cellular mobile phone equipment require authorization from the Ministry of Communication. The model details/number and Manufacturers name must appear on the Invoice.
Shipments of televisions require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of textiles require authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade. All garments must be properly labeled.
Shipments of thermostats require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of cigars require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of toys require approval from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of transformers require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Data shipments require an invoice with the character of the USB stick (storing intercompany data) and the value of the USB Stick.
Shipments of valves require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments exceeding 5 kgs require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Shipments of videos require authorization from the Institute of Standards.
Shipments of vitamins require authorization from the Ministry of Health. Only 3 bottles/units allowed to be imported to private individuals.
Shipments of wine require authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade. This authorization is not required if no more than 2 liters are being imported on a private basis.
Gift Exemptions
45.00 US Dollar USD
per shipment

In addition to a detailed description of each item, write additional comments of "gift shipment" on the invoice and in the Special Instructions box of the UPS Waybill to insure a proper assessment of duties and taxes.

45.00 US Dollar USD
per shipment

In addition to a detailed description of each item, write additional comments of "gift shipment" on the invoice and in the Special Instructions box of the UPS Waybill to insure a proper assessment of duties and taxes.

45.00 US Dollar USD
per shipment

In addition to a detailed description of each item, write additional comments of "gift shipment" on the invoice and in the Special Instructions box of the UPS Waybill to insure a proper assessment of duties and taxes.

45.00 US Dollar USD
per shipment

In addition to a detailed description of each item, write additional comments of "gift shipment" on the invoice and in the Special Instructions box of the UPS Waybill to insure a proper assessment of duties and taxes.

Invoice Requirements
Non-document shipments to Israel must include 1 original invoice. Copies by fax or email will be accepted (however to avoid delays, they must be attached to the shipment and scanned to IDIS).

Shipments of documents weighing up to 5 kg do not require an invoice. Shipment of documents weighing over 5 kg require an invoice.

The consignee's telephone number, mobile number and email address, if available, and the consignees VAT number / ID number should appear on the invoice.

Customs requires a packing list for multiple package shipments (2 or more packages). This should show clearly the contents in detail such as size, packing type, weight, volume, items quantity etc.

All the documents must be clear and they will be transferred to the forwarder with digital sign.

  • Invoice with exporter declaration

    When the invoice's exporter declaration is made out by an approved exporter, the authorization number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the invoice declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets shall be omitted or the space left blank.

    Origin of products needs to be indicated.

    Under the exporter declaration, it is very important that the place and date be entered.

    The invoice should also have the typed name of the person whose signature is on the invoice, ink signature and company stamp under the declaration.

  • UPS Paperless Invoice is available for small package exports from this country or territory.

    UPS Paperless Invoice is accepted by Customs for small package imports into this country or territory.

    Items Classified as Documents

    The destination country or territory considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet those criteria to be considered a document shipment.

    CD-Rom/Diskette attachments are not allowed for document shipments.

    Up to a limit of 5 kgs per shipment. Anything above this limit will require an invoice with a minimum value of US$5.00 per kg.
    Up to a limit of 5 kgs per shipment. Anything above this limit will require an invoice with a minimum value of US$5.00 per kg.
    Completed checks are classified as documents. Blank checks are non-documents and require a Certificate of Origin.
    Diplomas are classified as documents if they are sent in a doc/letter.

    If sent as non-document( if the weight is high ) will incur 12% import duties.

    Up to a limit of 5 kgs per shipment. Anything above this limit will require an invoice with a minimum value of US$5.00 per kg.
    Tickets for events like stage performances, football matches or concerts can be sent as documents.

    Event tickets coming from a printing company and sent to the organizer of the event or ticket sales offices can not be sent as documents.

    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Document weight limit less than 3 kgs.
    Blank visa application forms are non-documents and require an invoice. Completed forms are classified as documents.

    UPS can recommend which forms you need based on a few simple criteria. Forms can be completed online or printed. See which forms you need.
    Prohibited or Restricted Commodities

    In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Israel.

    Customers interested in internationally shipping alcoholic beverages should contact their sales representative. Alcoholic beverage shipments require an International Special Commodity contract and can only be shipped from businesses to businesses.

    An import license (permit) is required and shipments generally limited to 2 litres per shipment.

    A larger shipment requires an approval/certification by the Israeli Health Ministry and a full description of contents, including percentage of alcohol on commercial invoice.

    Electronic Cigarettes can only be shipped with an International Special Commodities (ISC) contract.

    Electronic Cigarettes require a Standard of Institutes Permit to be imported.

    Shipments of jewelry can be shipped as long as the value does not exceed US$500.00 or the local currency equivalent per package.

    Jewelry for which the retail price is lower than US$150.00 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s) are considered costume jewelry and can be shipped only up to this value from the origin country or territory.

    Shipments of gold & silver Jewelry require a Certificate of Origin and authorization from the Institute of Standards.

    Only kitchen and housekeeping knives with a blade smaller than 10 cm can be imported.
    Sand collectors swords with dull blades can also be imported.
    Please refer to general restrictions for knives under Restricted Commodities.
    Medical shipments require a special Import License provided by the Israeli Ministry of Health. Shipments of medicine without the Import License are not permitted. Medicine for personal use is prohibited.
    Customers must use an authorized UPS / MBE (Mail Boxes Etc) Store, UPS Customer Center or an ISC approved shipper to ship personal effects. The UPS Store, Mail Boxes Etc., UPS Customer Center and ISC approved shipper will be required to identify personal effect shipments on the shipping label by placing "ISC-Personal Effects" in the Reference Field of a UPS "smart" label or in the Special Instructions Field of a UPS waybill. They must also clearly indicate 'Personal Effects' shipment on the Commercial Invoice.

    Personal Effects are classified as used items (owned for a minimum of 6 months) intended for the consignee's personal use. Any items intended for any other use, such as wholesale or retail sales, business purposes, or for distribution are not considered personal effects and cannot be shipped on this basis. "Personal Effects" must be clearly stated on the invoice and goods description.

    Israeli regulation states that the items must be for personal use.

    Medicine and food items are prohibited.

    Shipments with a value above US$70.00 will be charged 12% tax and 15.5% VAT.

    Personal effects may experience delays in time in transit.

    Prohibited articles listed in the UPS service guide cannot be accepted as personal effects.

    Saturday Delivery Available

    Saturday Delivery Available: No

    Service Options

    Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.

    • UPS Worldwide Expedited
    • UPS Worldwide Express
    • UPS Worldwide Express Saver
    • UPS WorldWide Express Freight
    Special Clearance Requirements
    Shipments of samples must be valued less than US$50.00. If the relevant type of goods requires an approval from a governmental authority (based on shipment's classification in Israel and import legality), it can be released without government approval if it contains up to 2 items only.
    New requirements have been implemented for small package shipments and are based on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, which is entitled "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade". ISPM 15 was adopted internationally in 2002, and is gradually being introduced by countries or territories worldwide. Wood or wood products covered by ISPM 15 include items such as packing cases, boxes, crates, drums or similar packing, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars and skids, but exclude such processed woods as orientated strand board, particle board, plywood or veneer, created using glue, heat and pressure or a combination thereof, and, raw wood which is 6mm or less thick. It is recommended that if a question arises on this issue, please check with the authority that issues the Phytosanitary certificates in your country or territory
    Value Limits

    Private Shipments

  • 75.00 US Dollar (USD)
    • In most cases, when the value of the shipment is equal to or less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free. Exceptions to this are shipments which are held by customs due to import legality and require an authorization from the relevant government agency, such as vehicle parts, mobile phones, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, etc.

    Commercial Shipments

  • 50.00 US Dollar (USD)
    • In most cases, when the value of the shipment is equal to or less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

    Weight and Size Limits
    70 kg (150 lbs.) per package
    274.00 cm (107.9 in.)  per package
    400.00 cm (157.5 in.)  per package
    Length and girth combined

    Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.




























