Porhibited And Restricted Items

UPS International (Philippines)

Additional Import Documentation
To enable clearance for CITES shipments, please ensure CITES Certificate is forwarded by Express service.
Philippines customs requires all B2C shipments or shipments consigned to a personal owner to have proof of payment, a sales contract or a proforma invoice. Shipments containing cellphones or laptops will require a National Telecom Commissions (NTC) permit. If the above documents are not provided by the customer, UPS will determine the value per market value. If UPS does not include the value in the customs entry form, Philippines customs will deem the cargo to be abandoned, and begin the abandon process.

Importer Customs Accreditation
The consignee must have an updated Tax Identification Number (TIN) registered and accredited by Bureau of Customs if the shipment's value is USD 500 or above.

There are options should the consignee have no TIN.

  1. An application to be made to the Bureau of Customs to allow him or her to file the entry as an informal entry thus TIN will not be required as well as duty and tax will not be assessed.
  2. Application for TIN via UPS Agent. An accessorial charge, PHP 15,000 will be charged for this.
  3. If Customs reject the application, the consignee will be forced to issue an affidavit of "First and Last Importation" which means the first and last import shipment for current year.

Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 04-2014 requires all consignees and customs brokers to be accredited prior to importation, except

  1. Once-a-year importation
  2. Importation by parcel post or by informal entry (shipment value less than USD 500 & weight less than 150 kg)
  3. Importation of the Philippines Government
  4. Importation of foreign embassies, consulates, legations, agencies of other foreign government and international organizations with diplomatic status and recognized by the Philippine government

Account Management Office (AMO) is the principal responsible for the accreditation of Brokers and Importers. Processing fee is PhP 1,000. Under CMO No. 04-2014, importer is required to meet below criterions:

  • Application Form
  • BIR Importer Clearance Certificate (BIR ICC)
  • List of Importable with clear Description
  • In case list of Importable included regulated items, corresponding accreditation/license/permit from the government agency concerned is needed
  • Sworn undertaking to accept notice of electronic mail
  • Corporate Secretary/Special Power of Attorney for designated signatories
  • Original copy of NBI Clearance issued within the last 3 months prior to date of application of accreditation of the applicant in case of Sole Proprietorship and responsible officers and majority stockholders
  • For new individual applicants, bank statements for the last three months
  • 2 Valid government ID with picture i.e. passport, driver's license
  • Printed Client Profile Registration System (CPRS) Application Profile applicant

Importers should file application for BIR-ICC to the Accounts Receivable Monitoring Division (ARMD), Bureau of Customs (BOC). BIR-ICC is valid for 3 years if the application is approved, unless revoked or cancelled.

Accreditation can be revoked or cancelled if importer or broker violates the rules and regulations, fails to change registration information within the period required, submits false information and documents, failure to report to the proper customs authorities any fraud and commission of any act in violation of the Tariff & Customs Code. Accreditation can be automatically cancelled if importer or broker fails to make valid transactions for the past 12 months.

Goods under IATA Special Provisions A67 require a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.

It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.

Packing list is not mandatory required.

Although Customs can require the packing list if invoice is not detailed (eg. quantity, weight, no. of pcs, etc).

Additional Export Documentation
No Information found on this topic for the selected country or territory.
Additional Clearance Information
Consignees inside export processing or free trade zones (EPZ) may be exempt from paying Customs duties and taxes on imported materials for production. To be exempt from duty and tax payment, consignees should have the shipper notify them immediately by faxing the commercial invoice and prepare an import permit prior to the shipments arrival. If the import permit is not done prior to the shipment's arrival, Customs clearance delays will occur. This type of Customs entry is called Trans-Shipment Entry and is a non-routine or complex Customs clearance. This requires the actual package to be transferred under guard by the Export Zone Authorities from the Customs port at Ninoy Aquino International Airport to another Customs port in the EPZ.

A Customs entry called Customs EPZA Warehousing Entry (CEWE) is prepared in the destination export processing zone. After this final Customs entry the shipments can be delivered.

Consignees operating Customs bonded warehouses may be exempt from paying Customs duties and taxes. To be exempt from these payments, the consignee must have a chargeable bond filed with the Bureau of Customs. Customs entries being prepared for this type of Customs processing are called Warehousing Entries and are non-routine or complex Customs clearances.

The shipper is required to list the postal code for the consignee's address.

If Customs has found discrepancy on the consignees name, address, weight, pieces, commodity and other details on the shipping documents, shipment will not be allowed to release until the discrepancy has been corrected and approved by Customs Legal Division.

Amount of Processing Fee will be advised by the Agent Broker. Customers can also opt to process the amendments themselves.

Credit card payments are accepted upon delivery for freight and import charges by this destination. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the destination country or territory to determine which credit cards are accepted.

Restrictions may apply for freight collect shipments from the origin country or territory. Contact UPS or the UPS service partner in the origin country or territory prior to shipping.

Shipments addressed to a P.O. Box are accepted as long as a consignee contact name and phone number are indicated on the waybill or address label. When a commercial invoice is required, then the consignee's contact name and phone number must be on the invoice as well. Phone contact will be attempted or an arrival notification will be mailed to the consignee to contact the UPS office and provide a physical address for delivery.

Important Note: Shipments addressed to a P.O. Box are excluded from the UPS International guarantee regardless of the payer. A delay in delivery may occur due to the need for the consignee's physical address in order to complete delivery.

Misrouted shipments cannot be rerouted immediately to the correct destination country or territory. Foreign Trans-Shipment Customs procedures apply and are different from normal Customs clearance procedures. This process may take a week to complete due to requirements of the Customs collector and Customs legal division.
Areas Served
Service is provided to and from certain cities.

The following areas are unserviceable due to uncertain peace and order or low import/export volume: Lamitan (7302) - Palimbang (9809) - Kabuntulan (9606) - Matanog (9614) - Buldon (9615) - Sultan Kudarat (9807/9808/9809) - Lutayan (9803) - Tulunan (9403) - Columbio (9801) - Isulan (9805) - Romblom (5500-5516) - Batanes (3900-3905) - Aurora (3200-3211)- San Ricardo (6617)

Shipments addressed to a P.O. Box are accepted as long as a consignee contact name and phone number are indicated on the waybill or address label. When a commercial invoice is required, then the consignee's contact name and phone number must be on the invoice as well. Phone contact will be attempted or an arrival notification will be mailed to the consignee to contact the UPS office and provide a physical address for delivery.

Important Note: Shipments addressed to a P.O. Box are excluded from the UPS International guarantee regardless of the payer. A delay in delivery may occur due to the need for the consignee's physical address in order to complete delivery.

Sunday, and official holidays.
Spring +0800/ Fall +0800
Philippine Peso(PHP)
Billing Options
  • Shipping charges can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing the receiver, either the shipper or receiver's account number is required.
  • When billing to a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • Duties and taxes can be billed to the shipper, receiver or a third party.
  • When billing a third party, the third party's name, country or territory and account number are required.
  • If the duties and taxes are billed to an account outside of the destination country or territory, a "Duty and Tax Forwarding" surcharge will be applied.
  • Please note the following third party billing exceptions:
    • Shipments to and from the same country or territory (domestic shipments) cannot be billed to third party payors in other countries or territories. For example, shipments from Mexico to Mexico or Canada to Canada cannot be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. This rule does not apply to UPS domestic services in European Union countries or territories. For example, shipments from Germany to Germany can be billed to a third party payor in the U.S. (as long as the payor is a business and has a VAT or Tax/EIN ID on file with UPS).
  • When paying by credit card, check, or cash, only the shipper can be billed the shipping charges
  • The freight and duties can be billed to the shipper or a third party
  • The taxes can be billed to the receiver or a third party
  • A surcharge will be applied for the SDV billing option
Commodity Specific Stipulations

There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Philippines. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.

Permit from Department of Transportation & Communication (DOTC) is required.
Shipments require Health Certificate or Veterinary Quarantine certificate and Import permit from Bureau of Animal and Industry (BAI).
Tax Exemption Certificate from Department of Finance is needed to enjoy the duty and tax free importation.
Shipment requires permit from International Coffee Organization.

Non-roasted coffee bean will need permit from Bureau of Plant and Industry.

Shipments require permit from Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), (for example, Toluene, Acetone, methyl ketene).
Shipments of cosmetics are subject to clearance from the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Shipments of dairy are subject to clearance from the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Urgent medicine shipments must state "Immediate Customs Release" on the pre-alert and on the invoice.

Medicines of a commercial nature, used for pharmaceutical testing or addressed to an individual (non-urgent) require an Authority to Import Certificate from FDA (Food and Drug Administration) prior to the arrival of the shipment.

Approval from Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
Shipments of films require an Import Permit from the Movie, Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB)and OMB (Optical Media Board). An extra specific tax will be assessed of .70 PHP linear meter.
Shipments of fish and fish products require an import permit, clearance from quarantine and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources or MARINA (Maritime Industry Authority).
Shipments of food are subject to clearance from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Permit from Central Bank of the Philippines (BSP) is required.
Bureau of Food and Drug (BFAD) Certificate of Product of Registration (CPR) is required.
Bureau of Food and Drug (BFAD) Certificate of Product of Registration (CPR) is required.
Import Permit from Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) is required.
Urgent medicine shipments must state on the pre-alert and on the invoice "Immediate Customs Release".

Medicines of a commercial nature, used for pharmaceutical testing or addressed to an individual (non-urgent) requires an Authority to Import Certificate from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prior to the arrival of the shipment.

Shipments of military equipment require an import permit from the Department of National Defense, Philippine National Police (PNP), Firearms and Explosive Division (FED).
Shipment requires import permit from Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA).
Shipments of nutritional supplements are subject to clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Shipments of pharmaceuticals are subject to clearance from Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Shipments require Import Permit from BPI (Bureau of Plant and Industry) Plant Quarantine Service (BPI-PQS).
Shipments of radios and radio equipment require clearance from the National Telecommunication Commissions (NTC).
Shipments require approval from National Food Authority (NFA).
Shipments of satellite equipment require clearance and an import permit from the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC).
Shipments of smoked salmon require quarantine, if in commercial quantity, and clearance from the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Shipments of sugar or any pre-mixed sugar concentrates requires a Laboratory Report or Certificate of Analysis from Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) of Philippines.
Shipments of tapes require an import permit from the Optical Media Board (OMB).
Shipments of high frequency telephone equipment requires clearance or an import permit from the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC).
Shipments of videos require an import permit from the Optical Media Board (OMB).
Shipments of vitamins are subject to clearance from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Gift Exemptions
0.00 Philippine Peso PHP
no gift exemption
no gift exemption

There are no rules regarding gift shipment exemption. It is up to the discretion of the Customs examiner, who will take into account the value and quantity per shipment. Items addressed to individuals are given more leniency.

Invoice Requirements
Non-document shipments to Philippines must include 1 original and 2 copies of an invoice.

The consignee's telephone number must appear on the invoice for all non-document shipments.

UPS Paperless Invoice is available for small package exports from this country or territory.

UPS Paperless Invoice is accepted by Customs for small package imports into this country or territory.

Items Classified as Documents

The destination country or territory considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet the criteria to be considered a document shipment.

Shipments are considered documents if items do not exceed ten (10) pieces; otherwise, they must be manifested as "NON-DOCS" and accompanied with a commercial invoice.

No document weight limit.
No document weight limit.
No document weight limit.
No document weight limit.
No document weight limit.

UPS can recommend which forms you need based on a few simple criteria. Forms can be completed online or printed. See which forms you need.
Prohibited or Restricted Commodities

In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Philippines.

Import of Alcoholic beverages into Philippines is permitted via ISC contract service.

Personal purchase - reasonable quantity guideline is eight (8) 750 ml bottles and only one bottle for each kind of alcoholic beverage.

However, person coming in the Philippines may brought two bottles in order for it to be duty free.

Includes the following (this is not all inclusive and only a guideline): Military Aircraft parts, Military Motor vehicles, Tanks, night vision goggles', weapons, firearms, Artillery, Ammunition, Missiles, Explosives, military training equipment and protective personnel equipment, military electronics, space systems, Nuclear Weapons, Submersible vessels.
  • The export or import of defense articles which fall under the US State Department (DDTC) or ITAR control require special care to ensure shipments are presented to US Customs at the time of exportation or importation.
  • Failure to do so may result in penalties, seizure of the shipment.
  • Shippers who fail to provide the proper documentation and export details will have shipments returned to the shipper immediately.

UPS has compliance responsibilities under Export Administrator Regulations (EAR) and must know their customers and be aware of suspicious circumstances that may be present in an export transaction.

State Department Controlled shipments are those shipments which require either a State Department License (SDL) or SDL Exemption, also referred to as ITAR shipments.)

UPS (small package) State Department License (SDL) or State Department License Exemption (SDL Exemption) controlled shipments are prohibited to and from this country or territory.

Please note that UPS Freight Forwarding can address the customer's delivery needs by transporting these restricted shipments via alternate routes that bypass China.

Electronic Cigarettes can only be shipped with an International Special Commodities (ISC) contract.

A FDA [Food and Drug Administration Permit,CPR (Certificate of product Registration) and DOH (Department of Health authorisation from the importer] are required to import.

For personal use, maximum of 1 to 3 items (No permit needed).

An Adult Signature-over 18-is Required for delivery.

Gambling devices are prohibited.
Any form of toy gun or gun replica is prohibited.
Personal effects cannot be shipped between these countries or territories.
Saturday Delivery Available

Saturday Delivery Available: Yes

Not available in all areas. Always check the international time in transit system for details of service availability within a country or territory.

Service Options

Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.

  • UPS Worldwide Expedited
  • UPS Worldwide Express
  • UPS Worldwide Express Plus
  • UPS Worldwide Express Saver
  • UPS WorldWide Express Freight
Special Clearance Requirements
Donated shipments require the shipper to include a Deed of Donation (in the form of a certification). The recipient must be a non-profit organization. The consignee must submit a Deed of Acceptance (in the form of a certification). The Customs process will begin after the shipment has been referred to the Department of Finance. The shipper must notify the consignee prior to shipping so that the consignee can apply for exemption from payment of duty and tax in advance and expedite the clearance process.
New requirements have been implemented for both small package and WWEF shipments and are based on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, which is entitled "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade". ISPM 15 was adopted internationally in 2002, and is gradually being introduced by countries or territories worldwide. Wood or wood products covered by ISPM 15 include items such as packing cases, boxes, crates, drums or similar packing, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars and skids, but exclude such processed woods as orientated strand board, particle board, plywood or veneer, created using glue, heat and pressure or a combinations thereof, and, raw wood which is 6mm or less thick. It is recommended that if a question arises on this issue, please check with the authority that issues the Phytosanitary certificates in your country or territory.
Temporary importation must be reflected in the shipper's commercial invoice and the reason for exporting the shipment must be stated. The invoice must indicate that the shipment will need to be returned after the presentation, demonstration, or repair of the shipment.
Value Limits

Private Shipments

  • 10000.00 Philippine Peso (PHP)
    • In most cases, when the value of the shipment is equal to or less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

    Commercial Shipments

  • 10000.00 Philippine Peso (PHP)
    • In most cases, when the value of the shipment is equal to or less than the Deminimis Value, the shipment may enter the country or territory duty and tax free.

    Weight and Size Limits
    70 kg (150 lbs.) per package
    274.00 cm (107.9 in.)  per package
    419.10 cm (165.0 in.)  per package
    Length and girth combined

    Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.




























