Porhibited And Restricted Items

Canada Post (Germany)

Priority™ Worldwide (Delivery Standards)   03   30   NO   $1000
Xpresspost™ – International   102   30   YES   $1000
International Parcel™ (Surface)   402   30   YES   $700
Tracked Packet - International   02   2   NO   $100
Small Packet™ (Air)   02   2   NO   N/A
Small Packet™ (Surface)   02   2   NO   N/A
CUSTOMS DECLARATION LANGUAGE English, French, German, Italian

Letter-post™   YES   YES   NO
Money Orders™    NO   —   —

Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.

Import Restrictions

Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:

  • animal products and substances
  • animal bristles and hair
  • agricultural products
  • beer, wine and spirits
  • bees, leeches and silkworms
  • cereal grains
  • chemical or allied industries products
  • coffee
  • coins, banknotes, securities
  • cocoa preparations
  • cosmetics
  • cultural assets
  • dairy products (including eggs)
  • fertilizer
  • flies of the family Drosophilidae
  • foodstuffs
  • hair
  • hides and skins, raw
  • iron, steel
  • mineral products
  • milk
  • paper and paper-board
  • pasta products containing eggs
  • parasites and destroyers of noxious insects
  • pharmaceutical products
  • plant, plant seeds and plant products
  • rough diamonds
  • textile products, clothing
  • tobacco / tobacco products
  • toys
  • used hives
  • used oil
  • vegetable products
  • waste
  • weapons
  • wood
  • wool.

Meat, meat products, poultry and poultry products, milk and milk products must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate from the country of origin.


Articles consigned as "Unsolicited gifts" are acceptable and will be allowed entry free of any duty or VAT providing the shipment is valued at less than 45 EURO originated from and consigned to an individual, and are individually wrapped. Multiple gifts can be consigned in one shipment so long as the individual parcels enclosed are individually tagged with the recipients name, are individually wrapped and the value does not exceed the per person limit of 45 EURO. Shipments consigned to companies as gifts for an individual may be denied entry as gifts and will be subject to full duty and VAT. Generally, most articles can be consigned as gifts, except those articles noted prohibited or restricted for import (see General Import Prohibitions and Restrictions).

Exceptions are limited to only one of the following articles per gift:

Cigarettes (50 cigarettes total)

Perfume (50 grams net weight)

Toilet Water (.25 liter)

Liquor Spirits (1 liter), Wine (2 liters)

Cigars (10 cigars total, not of Cuban origin)

Coffee 500 gm, Concentrated 200gm.

The gift shipment should be tendered with the following documents and statements:

  • air waybill or bill of lading
  • proforma invoice
  • the description provided on both the air waybill or ill of lading and commercial invoice should specify the description of the actual goods enclosed and is followed with the following statement or similar: "Unsolicited gifts not for resale or other purpose". Descriptions such as "Gift" or "Unsolicited Gifts" should be avoided.

In addition to the above guidelines for gift shipments please be sure to reference the Prohibits and Restrictions sections of this country profile for Germany.

Prohibited Items

In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited:

  • absinth
  • alcoholic beverages
  • aluminum powder or dust
  • arms and ammunition, including replica toys (toy weapons)
  • base metals
  • certain carcinogenic substances
  • certain Chemicals subject to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
  • chemicals
  • chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)
  • coins and medals
  • counterfeit items, including dies and plates for manufacture
  • counterfeit or pirated goods
  • dairy produce, birds eggs, natural honey
  • DDT and products containing DDT
  • dry vine wood
  • electrical machinery and parts
  • fibers: Crocidolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Actinolite, Tremolite subject to the Rotterdam Convention
  • fish
  • flesh of dogs, cats, foxes, badgers and monkeys
  • flick and Gravity Knives; knives with blades that open automatically by operation of a spring device, or released by gravity or centrifugal force.
  • goods bearing false origin statements
  • goods infringing a copyright / trade mark
  • imitation and pirated products
  • liquids with above 82% alcohol
  • listening devices
  • lithium batteries and devices containing lithium batteries
  • live or dead plants
  • methyl alcohol
  • natural or cultured pearls
  • offensive Weapons; belt buckle knives, death stars, throwing stars, and martial arts equipment, Pepper and similar sprays
  • printed matter, videos & sound recordings of an offensive nature
  • pharmaceuticals for animals
  • photographic articles used to counterfeit coins and documents
  • precious or semi precious stones
  • printed matter, video and sound recordings
  • salt, sulphur, earth and stone
  • some mineral products
  • video games.

Documentation Required

Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.

Where required, senders must attach unsealed Certificates of Origin or Phytosanitary Certificates to the customs declaration. Goods delivered against payment must contain an invoice in duplicate.

Document Requirements

Consular Invoices - None

Certificates of Origin - Certificates of Origin are required for the importation of any Textile products. Exceptions include marked and mutilated samples, luggage made up of textile materials, Canvas bags, Bona - fide Gifts, and . A Certificate of Origin is advisable for every commodity subject to import licensing and /or quota restrictions.

Certificate of origin Form A - A certificate of origin Form A may be required for goods under formal entry claiming preferential duty or exemption under the various agreements of the Generalized System of Preferences. It should be produced at the time of entry and must be in the possession of the Importer at the time of entry. Origin of the goods must be detailed on the commercial invoice.

EUR 1 form - Import - A EUR 1 form may be required for goods under formal entry claiming preferential duty or exemption under various bilateral agreements by the European Union countries and some specific countries or groups of countries. It should be produced at the time of entry and must be in possession of the Importer at the time of entry. Origin of the goods must be detailed on the commercial invoice.

EUR 1 form - Export - A EUR 1 form may be required by exporters from the European Union to some countries to claim preferential duty or exemption under the various agreements as per the above paragraph.

Commercial Invoices - Invoices are required for all dutiable shipments regarding transaction between companies or companies and individuals, regardless of the value. Commercial Invoices should show freight, insurance and similar charges as separate items when applicable, regardless of the INCOTERM used on the transaction. It must be in English or German for import and export.

Specific invoice details are required for a number of commodities including the following:

  • audio/video cassettes and tapes - the length and width of the tape, a brief synopsis of the content and the reason for exportation.
  • textiles - the fabric breakdown, whether knit or woven and, for clothing articles, the gender and number of textiles.
  • marked/mutilated samples - the words "mutilated samples" or " marked samples, not for resale" as applicable and number of pieces
  • software on CD's and floppy disks - The value of software must be shown separately from software support.

ATA Carnet - The ATA carnet is a document that may be used instead of SAD forms for Temporary admission and Temporary exportation, which are the usual Customs documentation for temporary clearance of professional equipment, commercial samples and advertising material. The carnet is usually issued by Chambers of Commerce in the country of origin and is valid for one year. It must be validated by Customs upon import, re-export, export and re-import. The "Admission Temporaire - Temporary Admission", or the ATA Carnet, is an international customs document which may be used for the temporary duty free admission and temporary export of commercial samples. This is in-lieu-of the usual customs documents required for entry. The carnet serves as a guarantee against the payment of duty, which may become due if the merchandise is not re-exported.

Note: These articles require special processing and customs clearance, which are not handled under the PriorityTM Worldwide service operation and its commitments.

Dangerous Goods Certification - Some goods will, in addition to the standard documentation noted above, require DG certification. i.e. Perfumes, Liquor, Chemicals, etc.

All documents presented for use in customs clearance processing should be prepared in English or German to avoid delays and expedite clearance processing.

Country of Origin Marking

All articles imported into Germany must bear a proper country of origin (country of manufacture) marking as specified by Custom's regulations. The country of origin must be provided on the goods in the manner and location designated by the rules governing that commodity. For purposes of identifying the actual country of manufacture where goods are processed or assembled in more than one country; the country of origin (manufacture) will be that country; where the goods were last processed into, a finished good or where a substantial transformation was made on the raw materials transforming them from one commodity into another. Substantial transformation requires that the goods be changed markedly from one commodity to another. Adding of water, to fruit juice concentrates to make fruit juice, is deemed not to be a substantial transformation. Smelting of ore into steel sheets or rods is considered a substantial transformation. Rules of origin are complex and require a thorough knowledge of the commodity and processes used in making the product, as well as the rules of origin that apply to any preferential tariff agreements in place.

Marking of Goods

Certain electronic goods put up for sale or use in Germany, require Electromagnetic Compatibility Certification and must bear the appropriate CE marking. Toys put up for sale or use in Germany must meet certain safety regulations and must bear the appropriate CE marking. Child Safety restraints, motorcycle helmets put up for sale or use in Germany must meet certain safety regulations.

CE Marking

The CE (Conformite' Europeenne) Marking is required to be displayed on regulated products offered for commercial sale on the European market. It indicates that a product complies with applicable European Directives related to health, safety, environment and consumer protection. Because the CE Marking identifies products that meet a common set of criteria established and adopted by 18 member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), the CE Marking on your products will permit them to move freely in commerce throughout the European market. The manufacturer, or authorized representative, is responsible for placing the CE Marking on compliant products. The common CE Marking logo is placed on the product, product literature or packaging as described in each Directive. Articles regulated under the European Directives that are not properly marked when imported are subject to delay in customs and may not be cleared for consumption.

Temporary Imports: Including Repaired Articles or Articles for Repair

Articles consigned for Temporary Import traveling under Carnets, goods for exhibition, goods for repair, goods for incorporation into other articles and goods imported for further processing and re-export are acceptable for importation into Germany. These articles require special processing and customs clearance, which are not handled under the express carrier operation commitments. Clearance delays could be experienced on entries lodged for these type shipments. Shipments of these type goods can also be consigned as ATA (Airport to Airport) shipments and designated for handling by an approved local clearance agent or forwarder.

Customs Valuation

All goods categorized, as non-document commercial goods shipped to Germany must have a proper value declared and proper description provided which should convey the shipper's intent related to the goods as well as any special processing requirements that exist for the goods shipped.

Everything has a value, whether or not a transaction took place. Failure to properly document value of any goods will result in delays and or additional fees as deemed necessary in addition to warehouse fees.

Customs Procedures

Postal consignments can be directly delivered to the addresse by the German Post if:

  • No duties arise, and the consignment does not include any bans or restrictions
  • There are duties but:

1) The consignments do not contain any goods that require special formalities

2) Credible proof of the value of the consignment is shown

In these cases, the German post deals with the clearance as representative of the declarant and or/addressee.




























