Porhibited And Restricted Items

Canada Post (Venezuela)

Priority™ Worldwide (Delivery Standards)   06   30   NO   $1000
International Parcel™ (Air)   207   30   YES   $100
International Parcel™ (Surface)   407   30   YES   $100
Small Packet™ (Air)   07   2   NO   N/A
Small Packet™ (Surface)   07   2   NO   N/A

Letter-post™   YES   YES   NO
Money Orders™    NO   —   —

Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.

Import Restrictions

Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:

  • foodstuffs
  • plants and parts of plants
  • pork and related products
  • live animals of bovine, sheep, goat and buffalo.
  • raw poultry

Venezuela requires an import permit for most commercial goods. Before posting any item, senders should confirm that the addressee has any necessary permit.

The following items can be imported only by government agencies; cigarette papers, bank notes, weapons.


PriorityTM Worldwide service requires both the importer and exporter to be licensed enities in order to receive liquor/alcohol shipments. The "tax band" must be affixed across the bottle closure before the shipment can leave the customs premises. Gift shipments of alcohol are also included in this prohibition. A Certificate from the Department of Health is required of consignee, a Sanitary permit from the origin country and destination country is also required.

Antiques/Cultural Goods

Antiques and Cultural Goods must be at least 100 years old and have a certificate of origin to be accepted as such in order to be imported/exported duty free. You must also secure a special registry before the Customs main office (SENIAT).

Automobile Parts

Used automobile parts and components are acceptable for import. There are no special licenses or permits required but rebuilt parts must adhere to quality standards imposed by the VENEZUELA Standards Institute.

Food/Food Products

Food and food products require registration through the Ministry of Health.


Medicines must be authorized by the Minister of Health, Agriculture and Boviculture of Venezuela. Import of medicine for personal use is allowed provided the recipient has a prescription. A copy of the prescription must accompany the shipment.

Please Note:

  • prescription Drugs should be no more than 3 months' supply
  • non-prescription Drugs should be limited to 5 pieces of each item
  • tylenol and viagra are prohibited for import.

Medical Devices

Medical equipment, apparatus, systems, etc., whether imported or locally manufactured, must be registered with the Ministry of Health's Office of Registration and Control for Medical and Paramedical Equipment and Supplies (OICEMP). Currently, the Venezuelan Ministry of Health is establishing an audit and control infrastructure with the Venezuelan Customs to inspect the equipment's origin and specifications before it can actually be sold in the local market. Only those goods that have approval and bear approval seal/marking can be sold/imported.

The registration of medical devices requires the following information:

  • certificate to Foreign Government
  • letter of Authorization
  • final Product Drawings
  • list of Components/Materials
  • manufacturing Location
  • manufacturing Method
  • labels/Directions for Use
  • packaging Materials
  • quality Control Test Methods/Records
  • stability Studies/Certificate
  • clinical Publications
  • product brochure (Catalog Page).

Some products can only be imported by government agencies; cigarette paper (tax authorities calculate cigarette tax on the volume of cigarette paper imported by the manufacturers), The government can delegate authority to import on its behalf, and can place orders for such products with the local sales agents of the foreign manufacturers.

The import of waste is prohibited into Venezuela, however there are exceptions such as those for industrial raw material (wastepaper, scrap metal, textile waste). Please contact the Ministry of Health for additional information.


Duties and taxes will be assessed on all gifts having an FOB value exceeding $100 USD. The gift must be unsolicited and be consigned from one individual to another.

Prohibited Items

In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited:

  • (International Air Transportation Association) regulations
  • birds and bird products
  • bird by-products from Chile
  • cigarette paper
  • coffee
  • coins
  • cotton
  • drugs and pharmaceutical products of unknown composition
  • flowers
  • fruits
  • inflammable chemical products
  • lottery tickets
  • logs and timber products from Liberia
  • live plants
  • medicines (Tylenol)
  • meat and meat products
  • pearls
  • pension cheques or credit cards
  • pornographic material
  • saccharine
  • salt
  • used autos, used clothing and used tires
  • viagra
  • toys or video games that involve violent acts/war and guns.

Documentation Required

Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.

In order to facilitate electronic notification, the senders are requested to include the following details when sending their Parcels:

  • Name and full address of both sender and addressee
  • residential, office and or mobile telephone number of both sender and addresses (if available)
  • email address (if available)

In addition, articles mailed to Venezuela containing dutiable goods of the printing trade, such as albums, almanacs, books, brochures, music notes, and printed stationery require an attached CN22 green customs form.

Document Requirements

All shippers are urged to provide all documents tendered for customs purposes in Spanish to avoid delays in processing. The commercial invoice presented must be: typewritten, signed in contrasting ink for original copies, (1 original and 2 copies must travel with the shipment.) Photocopies will not be accepted. The commercial invoice must include the standard requirements for customs and list for each item invoiced:

Detailed description of the commodity (IN SPANISH and shippers native language)

HS Tariff number per commodity

Value per commodity unit shipped

Total value of commodity units shipped

Country of Manufacture


Unit of Measure per commodity

Packaging or additional cost incurred for the shipment Exporters should quote CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) prices. Insurance and freight must be listed separately on the invoice. Shipping and insurance cost should also be listed separately.

For presentation of large consolidations or the import manifest and declaration of value must be in quadruplicate. To simplify the import process for a large amount of cargo for one project, a single declaration can be prepared for all items, and each item listed separately with its respective tariff harmonized schedule number.

The following documents are required for all import shipments regardless of value:

  • commercial Invoice
  • air waybill or bill of lading - the declared value for customs must match the value listed on the commercial invoice
  • packing List
  • certificate of origin (commodity based but may be required by importer for all goods).

The following documents may be required depending on the commodity being imported:

  • special Certificates
  • import Licenses , Permits
  • phytosanitary declarations , Certificates
  • quality standards
  • health registration, etc..


All shipments must be made on a direct consignment basis. Customs regulations stipulate that the consignee is the owner of the shipment and is responsible for all customs payments and permits

Labeling and Marking Requirements

All products as mandated by law must be properly labeled as per specific commodity requirements in order to enter the commerce of Venezuela. Stickers can be used for marking of some imported products. The stickers must comply with all commodity specific requirements and must identify the local importer. Operating instructions or owners manuals must be in Spanish. Common commodities affected are:

  • food (for human or animal consumption)
  • medicines
  • cosmetics
  • medical devices.

Packaging of some commodities must also meet stated agency requirements.


Products packaging labels must list all ingredients, identify quantity or units of product included per package in the metric system or in units, as well as the product registration number of the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Production and Commerce in the case of animal feeds. Requirements vary by commodity and origin.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Land issues SPS health import permits for imported products of plant or animal origin. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection grants registration for all domestic and imported processed food products. Food not registrered in the country of origin cannot be registered in Venezuela.As the government has increased the importation of food products, import licensing requirements have simplified. The validity of import licenses for food considered essential is from a period of six months to one year. For non essential food, import licenses are valid from three to four months.


Products packaging labels must list all ingredients, identify quantity or units of product included per package in the metric system or in units, recommended dosage, warnings as well as the product registration number of the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Production and Commerce in the case of veterinary medicines. Requirements vary by commodity and origin.




























