Porhibited And Restricted Items

Canada Post (Malaysia)

Priority™ Worldwide (Delivery Standards)   04   30   NO   $1000
Xpresspost™ – International   104   30   YES   $1000
International Parcel™ (Surface)   404   20   YES   $1000
Tracked Packet - International   04   2   NO   $100
Small Packet™ (Air)   04   2   NO   N/A
Small Packet™ (Surface)   04   2   NO   N/A

Letter-post™   YES   YES   NO
Money Orders™    NO   —   —

Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.

Import Restrictions

An import permit is required for many goods. Before posting any item, senders should confirm that the addressee has any necessary permit. Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:

  • hypodermic syringes
  • medicines
  • milk products
  • plants and parts of plants
  • seeds and grain.

Goods Subject to Import Controls

The following goods are restricted by law and subject to import approval and/or must meet other regulatory requirements but are acceptable for importation on PriorityTM Worldwide service:

  • all dangerous
  • batik sarong
  • beverages, and spirits
  • bees, leaches and silkworms
  • bulletproof vests, steel helmets and other articles of clothing as protection against attack including safety helmets other than those worn by motorcyclists
  • certain apparatus for home use including equipment for brewing beer, electrical apparatus operating at 50 volts or 120 volts DC and above such as Hi Fi sets, electric smoothing irons, food mixers, hair dryers, rice cookers, television sets, electric kettles etc.
  • chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
  • cigarettes
  • corals, alive or dead
  • equipment for brewing beer
  • films, laser discs, video tapes and CD ROMs
  • fruits and nuts
  • goods imported from or manufactured in Israel
  • household and agricultural pesticides
  • imitation arms including toy guns, toy pistols, hand grenades - motor vehicles
  • live plants
  • meat and meat products
  • pests and organisms which are capable of being injurious (including vertebrate or invertebrate animals)
  • products derived from animals or birds
  • rice (flour, polishing, bran, vermicelli)
  • radio communications apparatus operating in a frequency band lower than 3000 GHz, Parabolic antennae for outdoor use, apparatus or equipment to be attached to or connected to a Public Telecommunication network or system
  • saccharin and its salts
  • safety helmets
  • soil including earth, ground or other natural occurring organic and mineral in which plants may be grown
  • vegetables
  • video machines, excluding game watches and video games for use with television receivers
  • vinegar.


Gifts are subject to duty and tax regardless of the value.

Prohibited Items

In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited:

  • advertising material on lucky charms
  • birds nests
  • coins exceeding $M50 in value, except purely for ornament
  • copyright infringements
  • chemical compounds
  • cocoa pods
  • coin or disc operated machines
  • cloth bearing the imprint of reproduction of any verse from the Koran
  • colour copying machines
  • daggers and flick knives
  • diamonds
  • eggs of poultry
  • electrical equipment
  • flick knives
  • fertilisers of animal origin only
  • intoxicating liquors containing more than 3.46 milligrams per litre of lead
  • government Service markings, imitation
  • lanyards, waterproof khakis, coats and hosetops
  • lottery tickets
  • live animals or birds (dead or alive)
  • magnetic tape for video or sound recording
  • meat of buffaloes, cattle, sheep and goats
  • military clothing and equipment
  • milk and milk products
  • plant and plant products (including peas, beans, cashew nuts, groundnut, maize, rice, sesame, wheat, spices, tapioca)
  • rice milling machinery
  • obscene or seditious articles
  • pornography
  • spear guns
  • spirits and liqueurs
  • trademark infringements
  • turtle eggs, piranha fish, invertebrate animals
  • vegetables
  • uworked cast or rolled glass
  • unprocessed coral material
  • webbing equipment
  • waste paper, paperboard
  • wood in the rough.

Malaysia also prohibits all Parcels addressed to Vietnamese refugees in camps or addressed to PO Box 12468, Kuala Lumpur.

The importation of the following goods is prohibited by law in order to protect certain industries, prevent the introduction of pests, plant and animal diseases and to control controversial publications:

  • emblems and devices that are intended or are likely to be used in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Federation or which would foster purposes prejudicial to the peace and welfare of Malaysia.
  • cocoa pods, rambutans, pulasan, longan, and nam-nam fruits from the Philippines and Indonesia.
  • piranha, Turtle eggs.
  • certain chemicals including sodium arsenite, crocidolite, Polybrominated Biphenyls, Poly- chlorinated Biphenyls, Poly- chlorinated Terphenyls and Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) Phosphate
  • broadcast receivers capable of receiving radio communication within the ranges (68-87) MHz and (108-174) MHz except those designed to receive meteorological broadcasts at spot frequencies (except those for the use of the telecommunication authorities).
  • pens, pencils and other articles resembling syringes.
  • cloth bearing the imprint or reproduction of any verses of the Quran.

Documentation Required

Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.

In addition, British-made goods mailed to Malaysia require a Certificate of Origin.

Document Requirements

The following documents are required for most shipments:

  • bill of lading or consignment note where appropriate
  • commercial Invoices relating to the goods
  • import (C1) or Export (C2) Declaration.

The following documents may be required:

  • import or Export License, Permit, and/or Letter of Approval for regulated commodities
  • foreign Exchange Control documents for export shipment shipments of 100,000 ringgit or greater F.O.B. value
  • certificate of origin of the goods (if claiming preferential customs duty treatment under AFTA)
  • letter of Credit (endorsed) when used as payment method for the shipment
  • packing List (if the commercial invoice does not provide proper quantity information).

Document Descriptions

Consular Invoices - None

Certificates of Origin - A Certificate of Origin is required to obtain preferential duty and tax treatment for goods eligible under AFTA. It must conform to a set standard and is issued by government authorities in the exporting countries.

Commercial Invoices - Invoices are required for all import shipments and for all export shipments except those containing only non-dutiable products valued under 300 ringgit. It should indicate a full and true account of the number and description of goods and packages, value, weight, measurement or quantity, and the country of origin as well as the final destination Invoices should show freight, insurance and similar charges as separate items when applicable, regardless of the INCOTERM used on the transaction.

C1 Declaration of Import - All imports require the importer or their authorized agent to submit this form to Customs. For many regulatory agencies, it also serves as an application for an import permit.

C1A Value Declaration Form - Required in addition to C1 for import shipments which exceed 10,000 RM and contain dutiable goods.

C8 Application /Permit to Transship/Remove Goods - The C8 is used for import shipments being entered into a Free Trade zone and for Free Trade Zone goods which are being removed for export.

JK 69 - The JK 69 is used to apply for an import permit or license from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

Letter of Approval - A letter of approval is a written certification that permission has been granted to export or import goods regulated by the issuing regulatory agency. The letter is issued to a particular importer of exporter for a particular shipment.

Cover/Request Letter - Instead of a specific application form, some of the regulatory agencies require the importer or exporter to submit a letter when applying for import or export permit, license or letter of approval. The letter should include the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and of the other parties to the transaction; detail the commodities for which approval is sought; and the intended use of the shipment contents.




























