Porhibited And Restricted Items

Canada Post (Ireland)

Priority™ Worldwide (Delivery Standards)   03   30   NO   $1000
Xpresspost™ – International   102   30   YES   $1000
International Parcel™ (Surface)   402   30   YES   $1000
Tracked Packet - International   02   2   NO   $100
Small Packet™ (Air)   02   2   NO   N/A
Small Packet™ (Surface)   02   2   NO   N/A

Letter-post™   YES   YES   YES
Money Orders™    NO   —   —

Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.

Import Restrictions

Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:

  • animal products
  • anti-parasite products
  • books and periodical publications
  • bees
  • coffee, tea, mate and spices
  • cereals
  • clocks and watches
  • fruit and vegetables
  • medicines
  • meat and meat products
  • matches
  • ozone depleting substances
  • plants and parts of plants
  • precious metal products
  • radioactive materials
  • sealskin products
  • sugar and sugar confectionery
  • tobacco and tobacco substitutes
  • traps, snares (of iron or steel wire)
  • video recordings
  • weapons
  • wood (coniferous)
  • wool.

Meat, meat products, milk and milk products must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate from the country of origin. The exception for milk products is personal imports for own use of up to 10 kgs of powdered infant milk, infant food and special foods required for medical reasons, provided the products do not require refrigeration before consumption and packaged as proprietary of branded products.

Animal and animal products (including live fish, gametes and fish products) imported must be presented with a veterinary inspection at the Border Inspection Post (BIP) in Dublin seaport or airport, or the Shannon Airport.

Plant and plant product imports must be notified to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine prior to importation, and must be inspected by an officer at the point of entry.

Aquaculture products and gametes may only be imported through the Border Inspection Post at the Shannon airport.

A valid community license is required for the import of agricultural products outside of the European Union.

For the import of medicinal products, a product authorization issued by the Health Products Regulatory Authority or a Marketing Authorization is requried. Any imports of medicinal products must be labelled and accompanied by a product information leaflet available in the Irish and English language.

Similarly personal consignments of other products of animal origin such as honey, processed frog’s legs or snails may be imported from most non-EU countries without veterinary inspection requirements provided the overall quantity does not exceed 2 kg and the products are in fit condition The weight limit for fish is 20 kg.

Quantitative Restrictions/Limitations

Certain goods are subject to quantitative restrictions or limitations, and they may require the production of an import license or authorization issued by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment or the Minister for Agriculture and Food. A restriction is an explicit limit on the quantity or value of a product permitted to enter or leave a country. A limitation is where a limit is imposed on the volume of goods that may be imported from a third country.

Surveillance on Imports

Certain products are subject to surveillance and may be imported only on production of an import document (authorization) issued by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment or the Minister for Agriculture and Food. A surveillance is a statistical tool, which enables the EU to monitor the level of imports from third countries.

Goods Subject To Prohibition, Restriction, & Surveillance

The following goods are subject to prohibition, restriction or surveillance.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)

Certain animals and plants and parts or products thereof may not be imported or exported except under permit or Certificate issued by the National Parks and Wildlife Services, Department of Environment, Heritage and local government.

SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS-quotas, licenses and or permits.

1. Semen and embryos of animals

2. Vaccines and sera - for animal use

3. Veterinary medicinal products and any substances having a growth promoting effect on animals

4. Aquaculture Products

5. Citizen band radios

Trade Between Ireland And Non Eu Member States

Subject to Restrictions-quotas, licenses and or permits

1. Wine, spirits and tobacco

2. Textiles, textile garments

3. Iron and steel products

4. Footwear

5. Tableware or kitchenware of ceramic

6. Porcelain or china

7. Bags & wrappers

8. Cetacean (i.e. whale) products

9. Hay, straw and peat moss litter

10. Wood & bark

11. Seed potatoes

12. Semen and embryos of animals

13. Therapeutic substances - for animal use

14. Traps, snares, nets, etc.

15. Vaccines and sera - for animal use

16. Aquaculture products

17. Animal remedies

18. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons

19. Certain pre-packed foodstuffs and other goods

20. Assay marks

21. Citizen band radios

22. Molasses, treacle, golden syrup, malt, yeast, hops, treacle meal and molassine meal

Additional EU prohibits:

Trade With Sierra Leone

The importation, directly or indirectly of rough diamonds originating in or coming from Sierra Leone that are not covered by the system of Certificate of Origin approved by the Competent Authorities of the United Nations is prohibited.

The following commodities are prohibited via PriorityTM Worldwide service into the Ireland (However, you may be able to use another Canada Post service for shipping these items.):

  • animal products
  • tobacco and all Tobacco Products
  • liquor arduous (some licensed consignees may receive beer samples)


Articles consigned as "Unsolicited gifts" are acceptable and will be allowed entry free of any duty or VAT providing the shipment is valued at less than 45 EURO originated from and consigned to an individual, and are individually wrapped. Multiple gifts can be consigned in one shipment so long as the individual parcels enclosed are individually tagged with the recipients name, are individually wrapped and the value does not exceed the per person limit of 45 EURO. Shipments consigned to companies as gifts for an individual may be denied entry as gifts and will be subject to full duty and VAT. Generally, most articles can be consigned as gifts, except those articles noted prohibited or restricted for import (see General Import Prohibitions and Restrictions).

Restrictions on Exemption

There is no relief from VAT or Excise duty for tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or perfumes/toilet waters. However, subject to the overall value limit of 45 Euro per consignment mentioned above, relief from customs duty will be allowed on those goods up to the following limits even where goods in excess of those limits are contained in the consignment:

a. Tobacco products

i. 50 cigarettes or

ii. 25 cigarillos (cigars of a max weight of 3 grams each) or

iii. 10 cigars or

iv. 50 grams of smoking tobacco

b. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages

i. 1 liter of distilled beverages and spirits, of an alcoholic strength exceeding 22% vol. (e.g. Whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, vodka) or 1 liter of distilled beverages and spirits and aperitifs with a wine or alcohol base, tafia, sake or similar beverages of an alcoholic strength not exceeding 22% vol., sparkling or fortified wines (e.g. Champagne, port, sherry)

ii. 2 liters of still wine

c. Perfumes and toilet waters:

i. 50 grams of perfumes or

ii. 0.25 liters or 8 ounces of toilet waters

The relevant EU rule permits allowances referred to at (a) and (b) (i.e.) above to be apportioned on a fractional basis. I.e. A gift consignment consisting of 25 cigarettes plus 5 cigars or one half bottle of whiskey plus one half liter bottle of champagne may be admitted free of customs duty.

Prohibited Items

In addition to items considered non-mailable matter by, the following are prohibited:

  • authors' rights, infringements of
  • citizens' band radios with AM capability
  • coins, illegal weight standard
  • counterfeits of legal tender notes and stamps
  • dairy produce (milk, cream, butter)
  • government markings, false
  • indecent and obscene books articles, publications, videos and cards
  • lottery tickets
  • live animals and fish
  • narcotic and psychotropic substances
  • paper or materials treated with oils or varnishes
  • seal pup's skins
  • unmanufactured tobacco
  • stamps, die, plates, instruments or materials for making stamps.

Trade Between Ireland And EU Member States


  • oral/smokeless tobacco
  • cereal seed of the second generation (C2 Seed)
  • tea unfit for human consumption.

Trade Between Ireland And Non Eu Member States

Absolute Prohibits:

  • cereal Seed of the second generation (C2 Seed)
  • copyrights
  • counterfeit or pirated goods
  • false trademarks
  • food imitations
  • government Guarantees
  • oral/smokeless tobacco products

Documentation Required

Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.

In addition, an import permit is required for many goods mailed to Ireland. Before posting any item, senders should confirm that the addressee has any necessary permit.

Commercial goods require an invoice. Senders should show on customs documentation:

  • the location of the invoice - enclosed or despatched separately
  • the name, weight, value and origin of the goods.


For gifts, senders should mark customs documentation Gift package. Ireland grants duty-exemption for items up to 43 euros.

Document Requirements

Certificates of Origin - Certificates of Origin are required for the importation of any Textile products valued at over 45 Euros. Exceptions from this requirement include marked and mutilated samples; luggage made up of textile materials, canvas bags, and bona-fide gifts. A Certificate of Origin is recommended to be provided for every commodity subject to import licensing and /or quota restrictions from some origin countries.

Certificate of Origin Form A - A Certificate of Origin Form A may be required for goods under formal entry claiming preferential duty or exemption under the various agreements of Generalized System of Preferences. It should be produced at the time of entry and must be in the possession of the Importer at the time of entry. Origin of the goods must be detailed on the commercial invoice.

EUR 1 form Import - An EUR 1 form may be required for goods under formal entry claiming preferential duty or exemption under various bilateral agreements by the European Union countries and some specific countries or groups of countries. It should be produced at the time of entry and must be in possession of the Importer at the time of entry. Origin of the goods must be detailed on the commercial invoice.

Commercial Invoices - Invoices are required for all dutiable shipments relating to commercial transactions between companies; companies and individuals, regardless of the value. Commercial invoices should show freight, insurance and similar charges as separate items when applicable, regardless of the INCOTERM used on the transaction. It must be in French for export shipments or accompanied by a translation. It can be in any official language for import shipments and, if required by customs, must be accompanied by a translation. A party, who is knowledgeable of the transaction, must furnish translation, if requested.

Specific invoice details are required for a number of commodities including the following:

  • Textiles - the fabric breakdown, whether knit or woven and, for clothing articles, the gender
  • Marked/mutilated samples - the words "mutilated samples" or " marked samples", "not for resale" as applicable
  • Software on CD's and floppy disks - The value of software must be shown separately from software support.

Dangerous Goods Certification - Some goods will, in addition to the standard documentation noted above, require DG certification i.e. Perfumes, liquor, chemicals, etc.

Declaration of Antiquity - A declaration must be shown on the invoice for goods over 100 years old. The statement must include the words " circa date" followed by the year of manufacture whether known or estimated.




























