Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.
Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:
Meat, meat products, milk and milk products must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate from the country of origin.
In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited:
Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.
Commercial goods that exceed a value of 76 euros require an invoice.
Gifts do not require an invoice. The address side of gifts must bear the words ENVOI ISOLÉ GRATUIT.
Customs declarations
Customs declarations must contain sufficient information for the application of duties and controls. France grants duty-exemption to up to 23 euros.
The following documents may be required:
1. Commercial Invoice which should be written in French or accompanied by a translation
2. Transport Documents
3. Import License
4. Certificate of Origin
5. Sanitary or phytosanitary certificates.