Porhibited And Restricted Items

Canada Post (Indonesia)


Priority™ Worldwide (Delivery Standards)   04   30   NO   $1000
Xpresspost™ – International   106   30   YES   $100
International Parcel™ (Surface)   406   30   YES   $100
Small Packet™ (Air)   06   2   NO   N/A
Small Packet™ (Surface)   06   2   NO   N/A

Letter-post™   YES   YES   YES
Money Orders™    NO   —   —

Maximum Coverage = Maximum Declared Value for Carriage for the Priority™ Worldwide service.

Import Restrictions

Senders should determine import restrictions from the country's authorities before posting:

  • animal products
  • anti-muslim material
  • arms, weapons, firearms and ammunition
  • articles of clothing
  • communistic products/materials
  • checks in all forms (blank stock, travelers, payroll, cashier)
  • cigarettes
  • drugs
  • electronic devices
  • food and beverages
  • fish products
  • health/medical devices
  • human or veterinary medicaments
  • knives (limited to cutlery only)
  • liquids (any commodity in liquid form)
  • mineral products
  • organic chemicals
  • live plants
  • personal importation of cell phones, laptops and tablet computers
  • pharmaceutical products
  • plants and parts of plants
  • printed material in Indonesian languages or dialects
  • precious metals, stones
  • mineral products
  • records, cassettes and videos
  • tobacco and tobacco leaves
  • vegetable products.

The following articles are defined as restricted for import into the Republic of Indonesia:

  • recorded media that has not been approved for import by the Board of Film Censorship and the Attorney General
  • certain telecommunication devices and equipment; transceiver equipment, cordless phones and related devices; telecommunications imported without prior certification and marking approval
  • color copiers; photocopy machines, parts and equipment without prior authorization from the Department of Trade and Industry, Board of Money Forgery Coordination
  • flora and Fauna as defined by the Department of Agriculture, Directorate General of Fisheries
  • drugs, medicines, hypodermic needles, acetic anhydride and opium pipes are subject to a special license delivered by the Director General of Medicine and Food (POM), control
  • materials (regardless of state) that are proven harmful to the health and welfare of humans, ecologically damaging, poisoning, carcinogenic, etc, without approval from the Directorate General of Medicines and Foods (POM)
  • ozone depleting substances are prohibited as well as devices that contain them; air conditioning units, compressors, refrigerators, etc
  • wastes (as defined under Government Law Rep. Of Indonesia #12 /1995, Ecological law 23/199) are prohibited without prior approval or permit from the Department of Industry and Trade and BAPEDAL.
  • mobile phones, cell phones, handheld or electronic devices are limited to a maximum of 2 units per shipment, with a total maximum value of $1500 USD per shipment.


Gifts are acceptable for import and qualify for duty/tax free entry so long as the value of the gift is under (IRP) 50000.00 Indonesia Rupiahs and that the package weighs less than one kilo. Gifts that are controlled or require agency approval will not be released without the proper approvals and fees. Not all goods are acceptable as gifts; tobacco, alcohol and foodstuffs should never be consigned as gifts.

Prohibited Items

In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited:

  • any articles on which Chinese characters appear
  • any materials printed or otherwise that are anti- Muslim in nature or that promote communism
  • chain letters
  • combustible material
  • live animals and animal products
  • newspapers
  • printed books, newspapers, pictures and products of the printing industry
  • pirated books
  • products of chemical or allied industries
  • photographic or cinematographic products
  • printed material in Chinese or written in Chinese characters
  • inorganic/organic chemicals and compounds
  • obscene or immoral publications
  • publications harmful to young people
  • works contrary to public order
  • wood and wood related articles.

Documentation Required

Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.

In addition, commercial goods mailed to Indonesia require a copy of invoice with number and date of import permit. Gift parcels and all associated documentation bear the words GIFT PARCEL FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE ADDRESSEE.

The following items require import licenses for Indonesia:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • artificial sweetners
  • dangerous goods, explosives
  • hand tools
  • lube oil
  • metals bromide
  • raw plastic
  • salt
  • scrap metals.


All food products, including distilled products require a health certificate issued by the authorized body in the country of origin. Additionally, all food products imported for consumption in Indonesia are required to be approved by the Ministry of Health and obtain product registration.


All drugs and drug products imported for consumption in Indonesia are required to be approved by the Ministry of Health, as well as obtain product registration.


Some animals require an inspection certificate from the Indonesian Veterinary Service. Leather in form of raw or semi-processed hides are controlled and require Agriculture/ Veterinary Service review and approval for import.

Document Requirements

Commercial Invoice

All shipments consignee to Indonesia must be presented to customs with a valid commercial invoice. The invoice should bear the name and address of the shipper, place and date of the shipment, name and address of the consignee, number and kind of packages, content and weight of each package, tariff number, marks and numbers. Additionally the invoice should state the reason for shipment if the goods are being presented for other than consumption entry into Indonesia. Three copies are normally required to accompany all shipments. Prices, quantities, and qualities on the invoice should be the same as those originally quoted. Invoices covering shipments under letter of credit should show the date and number of the letter of credit and the importer control number.

Indonesian Customs will not accept the term “No Commercial Value” or NCV on shipments to Indonesia. The full market value should be declared for all shipments to Indonesia. Failure to do so, will result in the package being held and possible penalties applied. Shipments greater than 100 kgs require the consignee to have registered with Indonesian Customs, in order to obtain a Customs Identification Number (NIK).

Certificate of Origin

A Certificate of Origin, (COO) is sometimes requested for verification / certification of the country of origin of certain commodities. There are many types of certificate of origin in use, in most cases where trade preference is not being requested a General Certificate of Origin is used. For qualifying shipments to ASEAN countries the Form D ASEAN Certificate of Origin should be used in order to qualify for trade preference (less or zero duty based on commodity shipped.

Regardless of the type of certificate of origin used, it must be certified by a recognized chamber of commerce, which usually requires one additional notarized copy for its files.

Packing List

Although not expressly required by law, Customs normally requires a Packing List to help expedite the Customs clearance process and it is especially helpful for shipments containing several commodities and multi-piece shipments.

Additional Documentation

Phytosanitary Certificates for Goods originating in places infected with pests and cholera must be disinfected before their import. The entry and Export of some plants and seedlings require a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture or from a designated official.

Plant Health Certificates may be required from the originating country Agriculture department for all plants, seedlings, etc imported.

Surveyor Report is required if items imported are above 10 pieces, with a value of more than $1000 USD for cosmetic (non-haz), drugs/prescription, food and beverages (non-perishable), computer parts, electronic parts, textiles and related products, footwear and toys.

Importer Registration License may be required from the Department of Industry and Trade if the imported product is over 100 kgs. This applies to cameras, parts, electronics, toys, as well as finished and unfinished textiles.

Customs Procedure:

There are two different types of entry procedures available for customs; informal entry and formal entry.

Informal Entry is possible for shipments of low value, samples, documents where there are no controls or agency requirements in place that are required to be satisfied. Consignment via courier service with its value not more than FOB USD 50,000 will be given exemption of import duty and import related taxes.

Formal Entry is when shipments are of high value, and goods are subject to formal customs processing due to control agency requirements, regardless of value declared for customs. Formal processing is also required for goods which are imported temporarily or are eligible for duty tax exemption, or are consigned for entry to a qualified agency or government department, foreign embassy etc.




























